Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Scene / Seen (The Unexplained Photos of Old)

Do you ever wonder what people would think should they stumble upon your photos years from now?  Would they come to the conclusion that you took pictures of what was important to you?  It's not always a correct assumption.  For instance, I've got shots that feature an assortment of building entrances in the West End of Vancouver.  No...I wasn't casing out the joints and I'm not an architect.  I was taking a course on how building design and locale impacted upon crime rates.   I guess people could conclude that I'm somewhat of a geek, given my penchant for museums and trains.   But, what to make of these?  I have been scanning family items and in so doing, I unearthed a cross section of items (yes, lots of cats).

Here we have a number of vehicles, all in a grey cast, driving through an active fountain.  For some reason it's located in the middle of a wide freeway and there's a plane there too. 
Is this Ramses Moderne?

These are photos of the actual Space Station.    Somebody might ask if I'm a Sci-Fi fan.  Finally, who is the elderly gentleman below and why is he standing in front of a steam train?

The Answer:  All of these are  photos from the World"s Fair, where the theme happened to be "transportation and communication."

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I'm Not Buying This One...

When I went to bed after my shift on Saturday, my cat did not have this thing growing on her nose.  She'd been sneezing a bit and seemed out of sorts.  I had slept badly and was hustling to get ready for my shift when I saw that somehow, in the space of a few hours, Dot had developed a growth.  I initially thought she might have scratched herself because of her cold.  I investigated and saw that this thing was firmly attached to her nose; it was a mass.  I  phoned the vet on Monday and she went, very begrudgingly, for her consultation today.  The vet agreed with me that it did look like a tumour.  The mass was removed and has been sent off for a biopsy as I write this.  I'm hoping it's benign.
How does a tumour develop in the space of a few hours?  This comes on the heals of Patches, who also had a bit of a cold, losing the use of his hind legs in a short space of time.
I asked the vet if it could be the food.  I wanted to know if it was possible that, since the cats had a cold and thus a lower immune system, that the food product basically launched an attack?   I had purchased an item a while ago that was new to their diet, but the vet said it was probably a coincidence.  I am not convinced.  I've warned the people I know, who love their pets,  that it might be in their best interests to avoid that brand.  I can't prove it.  I certainly can't name it on this site.
Just be careful.   Stick to your usual product and love your menagerie, whatever your beasties of choice might be.

Monday, April 27, 2015

The Oscar Nominee Who Rode the Bus

I realize that a few stars have been spotted taking the subway in New York City.  However, imagine if you will, an Oscar nominee taking a bus for hours.  I'm not talking one of those buses that are specifically kited out for rock stars, either---the buses with beds and bars.  No, this would be a cross between public transportation and a Greyhound.
Pacific Coach Lines used to run a bus service from Vancouver to the outlying communities.  They ran on a specific schedule and would only depart certain times of the day.  If you missed it, you were really out of luck and would be stuck waiting hours for the next one.  If you were really unfortunate, there wouldn't be a bus until the next day.  I confess to getting stuck hitch hiking once or twice because of this.    The bus had to be flagged down as it didn't have a set stop unless there was an obvious pick-up.  So, you'd have to stand at the right place, at the right time and then keep your eyes peeled to see if you could read the marker atop the bus.  If it was the appropriate heading, you would wave your arms and hope it stopped.
I used to take that bus.  If my friends and I wanted to go shopping in the city,  or when I went to school,  I took that line.  The roads weren't as wide as they are now and it could take a really long time.  You weren't always guaranteed a seat.  Therefore, you can imagine my surprise that I spotted Chief Dan George on the Pacific Coach Bus to Mission a couple of times.    It was actually my mother who saw him initially  and whispered his name.
Chief Dan George has appeared in films with Clint Eastwood and Dustin Hoffman.  He was nominated for  an Oscar in the category of Best Actor in a Supporting Role in 1971.  He's appeared in everything from Marcus Welby to Kung Fu.  It is his face that is one of the most iconic and representative to an entire generation of television viewers when they are asked to visualize a Native American.  Sadly, not all previous incarnations were even First Nations (think Tonto).
(Thanks to Wikipedia for use of the enclosed image)
He always sat one or two seats behind the driver.  I remember somebody approaching him and he was always gracious.  I recall that on one occasion, he had a boy with him.  So, not only did this star take public transportation, but he could function without a nanny and entourage.  Imagine!
For those of you who only know Chief Dan George's work in film, he has also written poetry.  There are a number of quotes attributed to him, which truly do sound like the words of the elder sage.  Since I am an animal lover, the following resonates:
"If you talk to animals, they will talk with you
and you will know each other.
If you do not talk to them you will not know them,
and  what you do not know you will fear.
What one fears one destroys."  (Chief Dan George)
I think the above quote can be applied to cultures and religions not our own also. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Another Case of Deja-Vu Gets Solved

A couple of posts ago I wrote about solving a case of 'deja-vu."  Well, here it is again.  I've been scanning old photos in order to fix some of them up.   I've posted these two before, but when I was going through the albums, it really hit me:

When I was a child, my Dad took the above four shots:  the ship we came to Canada on and Quebec City.
I've always had a sense of "being home" when I go to Quebec---that sense of really knowing this place.  And of course I do; it's one of my earliest and strongest memories.    I love the city of Quebec and have returned there a few times.  I never tire of standing on the boardwalk and looking out at the St. Lawrence River.
The shots below were taken on recent trips and it is in these pictures that it really hits you.  On my last visit in September 2014, my friend and I took a boat cruise.  I stood again on the deck of a ship as it  sailed by an image I will never forget.  I was on the deck of the Alexander Pushkin and spotted the St. Foy bridge in the distance.  It was an optical illusion, but I was certain, as the child I was, that we wouldn't clear it.

So, there  it is....another case solved.

Scene / Seen (Post Storm Light)

A thunderstorm had just passed over when I saw that there was a sudden change in the light.  I love this sort of golden light, so I went outside to capture it.  There's a rainbow in the background..
It's so fleeting and then it's gone.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Patches Chronicles

Yes, that's fake turf under a swinging wicker chair.  The cats have taken over the chair.   Yes...laugh at the decorating all you want, but they like it.  There's plants around, fake grass, the swinging chair and toys galore.
Patches has not regained any weight, but he is walking.  They never did come up with a prognosis, but I'll never get him back into the box again and he basically told me that he had taken his last pill.  This is a cat with razor claws, so you don't want to mess with his "no means no."

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Cleaning Fairy Does Not Exist

I am still awaiting the arrival of the mythical Cleaning Fairy, although I am beginning to suspect she is another myth.  Just like Santa and the Easter Bunny, I have been duped again.  Coming to terms with this requires some down time with Haagen Daaz and escapist trash on Youtube.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Here's a Horse's Ass

Daily Mail No Prom for Girl in Tux
(Photo found on the internet---unknown photographer)

The statistics in 2012 indicate that the high school graduation rate for Louisiana was 73.5%.  For low income students, it was only 67.7%..  Yet, a top student is being denied the right to attend her prom by the principal of her school.  No, she isn't opting to wear a booty revealing outfit, nor is it cut too high.  Unlike others, she doesn't want to emulate some reality television "star" and show the world her assets.  So, what's the problem,  you ask?  Claudetteia Love is a lesbian and wants to wear a tux.
This is why gay kids continue to kill themselves.  Despite all the "it gets better" ads,  they keep getting shoved into lockers, be they real or symbolic.   Patrick Taylor, the Principal, should know better and should call "bull shit" when he sees it.  He, of all people, must know that "separate is not equal."  The subtle, little things serve as a reminder that one does not quite fit in; that one isn't good enough...that one needs fixing.
I've lost touch with her, unfortunately, but my friend  wore a tux to my high school graduation and she wasn't gay, not that it matters.    In fact, she brought her long time boyfriend with her, and he happened to be twenty seven years old.  Nobody thought anything of it, unlike what would occur today.  Of course, he'd be considered a child molester and deviant in this era.  Yet, she was nobody's victim, for she was bright, independent and very mature.  Her confidence allowed her to serve in a job that required some risk.    In school, she  could converse with any adult male on battles of World War Two. She was also hilarious and the two of us dreamed up nominating an SNL character as high school president, even getting the required signature from the Principal.    She was tall and thin and liked the clasic look of Yves Saint Laurent.  Not being able to afford it, she sewed it herself and it was a dead ringer knock off.  Noody batted an eye, except to say how superb she looked, for she styled her make up and hair to match the complete package.
We can slap all the tatts on our bodies that we want, and call events "extreme."  I really don't believe that  people have  advanced  all that much in their thinking--not when I see the idiot frat boys openly advocating rape as they do.  Not when I see what's going on post Ferguson and the hostility expressed towards the First Lady's meal program, merely because of her appearance.  If she were some botoxed ex-model who spoke in sentences that always sounded like questions, everybody would be squealing in delight.  When I use the word "appearance," I'm not talking about her well toned arms or about her smile.  You know what I'm talking about; that ugly thing they mention all too often in their badly spelled missives as they rant on Youtube or news stories each time Ms Obama makes a public appearance.  Kim Kardashian with a spray on tan is okay, but Ms Obama, being herself---her highly educated self, is not. Hypocrites---then suddenly skin tone becomes an issue.   If anything, it's the combination of her intellect and her non-vanillaness that brings out the vitriol.  The F.L.O.T.U.S. is not easily controlled like Sarah Palin.      Sadly, it seems that  people have become more judgmental of others based on things such as looks, weight and age.  When the phrase "that's so gay" continues to be a put-down, it's NOT okay to be out.  It's no wonder ten year olds hang themselves.
Back to this school district.  Since it accepts public funds, Patrick Taylor needs to lead the charge and show that discrimination is wrong.  As long as the tux is tasteful, Ms Love worked hard for her degree and deserves to attend.  Mr Taylor must show his students and community that he is one Principal who has principles.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One Case of Deja-Vu Explained

I was just looking at some photos and it hit me---a mystery solved!  I had been in Toronto a couple of years ago and I felt as though I'd seen the view from my window before.
It wasn't the iconic CN Tower and a big city street doesn't hold much personality in itself.  But still, I could not shake the sense of having been there before.
Between looking at the photo and the Youtube broadcast on Media Mayhem (excellent channel) about the movie Parkland, it came to me!
This photo is blurry and has a bad reflection, but it reminds me of the road to Stemmons Freeway.; that notorious turn that the limo had to take.  Indeed, this building looks like the Texas Schoolbook Depository.  There's even a tree in front, although I doubt it's an oak tree.
Here's a picture from Wiki-Commons (posted above, thanks) that shows the site.   Should they ever be filming and need a stand-in, I know a place.....

Scene / Seen (Branches and Birds)



Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Night of the Hunter

It was a mighty struggle, but at long last, the fearsome creature was taken.  Energy spent, the king of the jungle could rest to regain his strength...never knowing when the next encounter would occur.  Guts ravaged, pink ears and beady eyes staring as empty warning to any "mousies" that dared remain in his path---the night of the hunter had come at last.
Out, out plastic serpent, for I am Cat and do not fear rubber snakes.  Even if they clash with the bed spread.
Begone, silly whippet thing on a stick, for i have felled thee and covered you in spit and slime and the person I call "owner" doesn't want to touch it.  She is now trying to distract me with Treats.
Oh, but this task is a burdensome one.  I am weary.  I must rest.

Scene / Seen (Flight at Rest)


Scene / Seen (The Rest of the Titanic Photos)



The little shoes and the gloves really hit home.  These were worn by somebody who was probably so excited about the prospect of being able to travel on this ship.  As to the photo of the workers, there's a black and white cat sitting in the lap of one of the men.  There's also a dog on the deck.  What's their story?    If anybody ever makes it over to  Nova Scotia, check out the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax.  It sits right on the harbour and is well worth it.