Friday, January 2, 2015

Found Item -"Tan-A-Mat"--- This Was a Good Idea?

One fashion trend that I can't figure out is the Oompa-Loompa look.  I don't quite comprehend why people want to be orange.  Tan Mom lounging drunkenly on the beach is where it all ends.
As bad as the fake tan of today is, it could be worse.  In l977, people paid good money to not only get wrinkles, but also risked skin cancer.

In l977 a person could purchase the newest Supertramp vinyl record for $6.98.  The Tan-A-Mat, in comparison, had a retail price of  $19.95.  This is ironic, as this same item is now available at the Dollar Store as an emergency first aid blanket (in case you get caught in a blizzard).  It retails for less then three dollars.
So, instead of picking up three decent albums, a person could park themselves atop a large sheet of tin-foil on a lounger and broil themselves like a human turkey.  Don't forget the basting of choice in that era---Johnson's Baby Oil.  Since we all know we can trust what we read, the company ensures us that we won't burn.  Yes, it sounds healthy; "turn richer, deeper, faster."  I can hear those cells mutating as I type.

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