Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Fields of Gold (song by Sasha Lazard)


I've been getting the "impending doom" message from my computer for a while.  You know the signs....the wheel that keeps on spinning and the start up engine that sounds  suspiciously like a cat about to cough up a hairball.   I'm not much of a tech person at all, but I've put some of the pictures with various songs.

Battle River Trestle

It's no secret that I'm a rail fan.  In October, a train derailed off this bridge in Alberta.  Reports indicate that it was most likely caused by high winds.

In this photo, the shadow of the trestle is visible.  However, if you look on the railing itself, it is possible to see that the guiderail has detached from the pole.
That body of water is the Battle River.
Those are cattle grazing below.  This gives some perspective as to the height of this bridge, which was built in 1908.
It was hard to spot it, and I really had to crop the picture, but in the valley to the east of the trestle was an old homestead.  If you click on the photo, you can see its remains.  People often have an image of the prairies as being dull and totally flat, but that isn't true.  The colour spectrum may be subtle, but so is the woven work on  a  Missonni scarf, and nobody rejects that.

Predicting the Future at Three in the Morning
Palm up, 
Flesh and future exposed,
I trace the lifeline.
Ouija with a razor.
Pressure gentle, almost kind.
Tempting fate, taunting time.
I await the reprieve, that last minute call.
Some Capra-esque hero to stop my free-fall.
But who am I, Judge or condemned?
Whom do I pardon; who hears my amends?
The mirror will not bargain,
The mirror won't conceal.
Naked truth, just the facts,
This magic eight ball shall reveal.
There is no gentle grace in this, no sweet angels.
No arias  or auras or guides.
This will just be the end.
The bird in the mist.

Understated Pride

While taking the train, I came upon this flag in a field in the middle of  a vast prairie field.  Who put it there?   There was nothing around for miles.
