(The above graphic was found on an internet site, artist not listed. If anybody knows, let me know so that I can credit. I also like the work and would like to find more by the same. It is obviously retro.)
I rarely listen to this radio station for a reason. It took me the longest time to figure out that it actually played music. I thought it was one of those awful sports stations, because every time I flipped by it that's all they seemed to be talking about. Even at the top of the hour, when they're supposed to be featuring the news, they spent more time talking about hockey. At this time of the year, they broadcast the local hockey games and talk about it ad nauseum.
Since there are above ground power lines in this area, it is sometimes difficult to pick up anything besides this station, which plays rock, and "the other one", which is inflicted upon you as you walk into any store in this town. The other one is worse then root canal. It's what I call "All Shania, all the time." Sometimes it varies, and plays Celine Dion, Mariah, etc. You get the drift...pure pap on a rotating basis.
You know you live in a redneck town when the poll of the day on the rock station is as follows:
Women....How do you rate how manly guys are? Whether:
----They eat meat?
----They drive a big four by four?
----Are hairy?
I could understand it if this were a country music station. Then perhaps I would allow for the question to be that insipid. I must add that they aren't being tongue in cheek; they're actually serious in their question. They have a poll every day. So, here's how I would answer: how about "none of the above." How about if a person stands up for themselves and their principles. They don't follow the crowd. They don't bully. They have friends who are gay and don't feel threatened by it.
This is why I listen to the station that plays alternative music.
I feel your pain :(