Saturday, December 20, 2014

Found Items (The Flying Nun)

Does anybody remember the show "The Flying Nun," which featured Sally Field?  It made San Juan look exotic, as it was partially filmed on location.  We had that good witch Samantha Stevens on "Bewitched" and on this half hour program, there was a nun who could fly.  I guess all those Wright brothers needed was a properly shaped cornette.  (And bugger-off, auto-correct.  That's the name of that part of the clothing and it's spelled properly).  

The dialogue often made mention that  the sister only weighed 90 pounds and this may have been the aero-dynamic factor that caused lift-off.  Were the show made today, it would spin off into a storyline about her eating disorder.  Mind you, it would be impossible to find a female actor today without implants.  I suspect such top heaviness would only serve to ground our flying nun.  The ingenue of today would be more apt to tip over.
Here is a page from within the colouring book itself.  What is the Sister doing at a Go Go bar and casino?  Surely they don't hold church bingos here?  No---Carlos was the sexy male lead who befriended the nuns.  Were the show to be remade, the Sister might have a secret side job here to pay off student loans.  Ratings

In all likelihood,  the above scenario, in which our jaunty heroine and her cohorts make wine, would cause the "One Million Moms" to become more crazed then usual.  They'd  be apoplectic at the imagery.   (Note that the word whisky was written in by a naughty, jaundiced and obviously non devout artiste who coloured outside the box). 

And   here is the hapless Carlos.  Of course, now-a-days, questions would be asked as to why the one Latino male is behind bars.  Trolls everywhere would be quick to point out that he was just another male, led astray by the shenanigans of some wily woman.
The biggest question that I have, however, pertains to the logistics of the colouring book itself.  Since the habits on "The Flying Nun" were completely white, it makes for a pretty bland colouring book experience, non?  And if I recall correctly, that white crayon never did work properly.

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