Thursday, March 26, 2009


`````Time for a little armchair psychoanalysis. I've been a bit interested in the Caylee Anthony case. Again, I am more interested in how seemingly "normal" people can sit back and support those who do evil. Yes, I am talking about Cindy Anthony and her continueed support of her daughter. For I don't think unconditional love of one's child exists, nor do I think it should. If somebody in my family were to do a horrid act, I would not allow them to go on with their charade or their actions. In this case it involved another family member; a younger one that could not defend herself.
`````When I first saw a small snippet of this family on some news segment I could have sworn that I was watching an episode of "Intervention". There's a strangely familiar dynamic on that show. The kid had a problem. The kid told Mom or Dad (although it is usually the mother). Mom opted either to not believe the child or did not act on the information as it would have interferred with her love life. Years later, Mommy Dearest feels guilty and then tolerates the addict's behavior. I think that in almost every episode of that show involving a female addict, abuse as a child is involved. When police searched the Anthony home, they found that prior to the little girl going missing, Casey had looked for information on her computer regarding incest. Why? Had she been a victim of some relative at a point in her life and told her mother about it only to have it ignored or worse, to be called a liar?
`````My summation of Cindy Anthony is that she has to control everything. Even with a toddler living in the house her living room was immaculate. I believe that her daughter Casey used lying as her way to seek a control mechanism, as do people who develop eating disorders. It was her form of protest and her rebellion. It was probably the only way she felt that she could have any privacy in her life when she was young. Once it was selected as a coping skill it became entrenched. I think she has Borderline Personality Disorder; thus the stealing and need for constant affirmation from new boyfriends.
`````Her manufactured world of lies would only work while Caylee was a baby. As she grew, the child could give away her secrets to her mother. The child could divulge that in fact she had no job, that there was no babysitter, that mommy liked to party a lot and had many boy friends.
`````Sadly, I believe that the little girl, Caylee, had been drugged for some time when the mother went out. There is also the possibility that the gasoline that Casey's father had reported her as stealing could have been used to put the girl to sleep. People were shocked to hear that many residents of a town in Labrador actually thought it was okay to use gasoline soaked rags to enduce sleep in a restless child. Perhaps one night, Casey just lost it. There were reports that she'd had a huge fight with her mother Cindy. One of many that they'd had all their lives. Perhaps she gave the kid way too much than usual to knock her out in her frustration. A classic passive aggressive move.
`````My guess is the duct tape over the girl's mouth was placed there in a symbolic way. Obviously there is no need to put tape over the mouth of the dead. However, there is when it has meaning to you. Now she cannot reveal the lies. Now she cannot betray your secrets to your mother.
`````George Anthony is also interesting in that he had squandered a huge sum of money from the family's finances on the classic internet scheme of the money in the African bank account. As George had been a cop, he must have known that this was a scam. It only makes sense if this was his one form of rebellion against his wife. The only way he could get back at her.
`````I watched the police intereviews of Cindy and George. Cindy tries to take control of the interview, as she does in her media interviews. I suspect there was a lot going on in that house we will never know about.
`````It is obvious that Casey killed the girl and that she was sane when she did it. The fact that one may have psychological issues does not mean that one cannot differentiate between right and wrong. This entire case shows us that we never know what goes on behind the doors of that perfect house and how important it is that we look after children. When a child can disappear for one entire month from under the noses of a nurse and an ex-police officer it means we still need to work on the system. Every kid that is abused or hurt or has their personality destroyed is one too many.

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