Sunday, January 16, 2011


Ollie is laughing at me; he was caught in the act and he knows that no real consequences will follow.
Here's the story. I'm bad with electricity---I'm actually like the woman in the Carrie movie. Every light in the chandelair in the hallway went---every single one. So, I got the ladder out to replace them. The feral, whom I had rescued, noticed the hanging plant and decided a little salad would benefit his diet. In the photo, you will see what looks like a vine in his mouth. It used to be full of foliage.
By the way, half an hour later, the light in the hallway blew when I turned it on, and I had to replace two bulbs.
It's been one of those weeks. It began with the flashing red indicating that a "Snowfall Warning" was in effect. I ended up getting a killer headache, as snow is a trigger. The skylight is now leaking and I hate to think what it's going to cost whenever the guy shows up to fix it.
The computer? Look at the pictures and you'll get some idea. It takes me 30 minutes to 45 minutes sometimes to even log on. Then, it will just freeze up when some scan starts up again.
In the meantime, I am trying hard not to drown my sorrows in Butter Pecan. Mind you, this is Vanilla Wonderbread town, and that flavour is too exotic. Strawberry Haagen Daz is about as exciting as it gets, but the damage is the same.


  1. I love that picture. Ollie is a cutie.

  2. Poor Ollie, I noticed yesterday that one of his dew claws is sticking out sideways. He seems fine, so I will keep an eye on it. A trip to the vet will require a Haz-Mat Team. I am still the only human (other then the last vet visit and then he was medicated and a kitten) who can touch him.
