Friday, December 24, 2010


`````I am having trouble sleeping again. I am going to attempt to get to work a bit earlier tonight. I won't be paid for it, but it's one of those things we try to do at Christmas. Those of us who are stuck working the holidays will try to get in earlier for people who have something planned. Over the years I have spent most of my holidays at work.
`````My family celebrates on the evening of the 24th. I've blogged previously about lutfisk; the gelatinous mass of fish, the scent of which will permeate the house. It's a quivering mass---an UNSUB (unknown substance)---daring you to poke it with a fork. To be consumed, it has to be coated with the white sauce and pepper which accompanies it. Alcohol always helps too. The lutfisk always steams up the windows as it cooks, obscuring the world outside and reflecting the lights of the tree back at you. The dog mooches in the kitchen, as he doesn't know what's cooking in the pot. And let's face it, dogs will eat anything.
`````I won't be doing it this year. I have some cookies that my mother sent with me and some takeout East Indian food I'd ordered. GM Restaurant has the best Chili Cheese; hardly a taste of the season, but I like spicy food. I'll heat that up at work for dinner, sometime around 0300 in the morning. There's nothing like curry in the middle of the night, which I guess explains why shift workers have high rates of indigestion.
`````I feel bad about the gifts I'd purchased this year, as the items I'd wanted to get were gone by the time I finally got my sorry butt to the store. I'll have to get something extra for my youngest niece when it's her birthday in January. This year she's acknowledged that she no longer believes in Santa, so the charade is off. I always give my older nieces $130.00 in cash, so that they can buy whatever they want. I remember what it was like being a teenager and I don't want to be some adult who gives them "uncool" clothing. Taste is such an individual thing and I'd rather they just get what they want. Boy, do I dread the holidays.
`````I am going to try to get some sleep. I hope everybody has a good Christmas Eve. My cats have already hacked up some Christmas treats for me....thanks guys.

Art by Carl Larson


  1. I feel bad you have to work. Enjoy what you can of the holidays and enjoy your spicy dinner.

  2. Thanks. I have to rush as I am going in early tonight again. It means I am dead tired as my sleeping pattern is really messed up. Oh well. Anyways, have a good holiday with the cats and your Mom. I hope you get some good books.
