The ones on the left are the nuts. The better dressed on the right, are normal.
`The freaks from the Westboro Church did make their appearance at the funeral service of Elizabeth Edwards. I thought that I would toss together some photos of them in action. Note the common themes: ignorant hateful comments, making a nuisance in public and no dress sense.
`I'm always amused that these people are so fearful of gay men. They must be kept out of the military, because, after all, who knows what sorts of hanky panky could unfold otherwise? These men would surely start making lustful, come hither eyes at Mr Macho.
`Honey Child....hate to break it to you....but no---just no. Perhaps I'm stereotyping, but every gay man that I've known has always been well educated. The congregation at this church is hardly Mensa material. I doubt they'd be able to sit down for a fireside tete-a-tete to discuss the bestsellers as listed by the New York Times. Maria Callas' sad odes to lost passion would not be appreciated in a revered hush. "Callas? Isn't that a type of wine? I'm a beer man myself."
`What amazes me is that they even manage to make some of their signs garish. The colour scheme doesn't match on any of their outfits, and even their pickets clash. They are somehow able to violate several male fashion "don'ts" in one outfit. Something tells me, too, that these men have never bought any clothes for themselves. My guess is that these are the types of guys who let their wives purchase their outfits for them. As children, Mom dressed them. As adults, the wife does. When left to their own devices, it really goes to hell. This is why somebody needs to design "Grr-Animals for Men." You remember Grr-animals, right? Those were the kids clothes that had animal designs on the label, so that a tiger matched with a tiger would equal a decent ensemble. But, I guess if these guys lose their wife in a hunting accident, they can always order up a new mail order bride.
`Listen up Mr Macho from Westboro church. If a gay man ever approached you, it's only because he's from a reality television show doing make-overs. Somewhere, a hidden camera man is tsk-tsking over the horror. Trust me, he isn't interested. You have nothing to fear. But, somewhere, right now, Tom Ford is probably cringing at this fashion faux-pas and the lack of black.
`By the way, I normally don't judge or comment on the basis of appearance. But, since these people have chosen to condemn others based on race, colour, sex, religion, etc., it's a free for all.
I give this post a golf clap.