`````The other day when I was in the mood to blog, the phone service was down, as was the internet. When I write that it was "down", I mean that it violated all rules as laid out by national standards. It crashed at 0310 in the morning; I know this as I'm a vampire. Even on my days off I keep my nightshift pattern. It did not come on line until about four in the afternoon. ````` At first I thought it was part of my own going problem with Microcrap. However, it was worse then that. As it turns out, the phone didn't work either. It was so bad, the entire town's phone service (if using Telus) did not work. In fact, a person couldn't even dial the operator. This is where the national standards were breached; unless something catastrophic happens, that isn't suppossed to occur. As it turns out, nobody could dial 911 either. On the busiest shopping day of the year, the stores could not accept any charge or debit cards. Nobody could fill their prescriptions. Cell-phones didn't work either, if they were with this carrier. Given the fact that this is the main provider, it was a serious issue.
`````I can certainly live without the internet; in fact, I tend to do so as my issues with Microcrap are so bad. When people are unable to dial 911 for twelve hours, it is beyond the pale. This town has a lot of elderly people in it, and there is an old folk's home directly behind me. There are two prisons in the community, which require ambulance and police services to be called in. There are two highways which traverse it, meaning that there are accidents.
`````How in the hell does the service go out at 0310 and nobody fixes it until the next day? I spoke to somebody in a store, and she happened to have a cellphone with another service provider. When she phoned Telus to ask what was going on, the woman she spoke with insisted that "there was no problem." In the last couple of years, many of the front line workers have been laid off. In trying to get help, you may end up speaking with somebody in India.
`````Days later, there hasn't been one word of explanation . All of the businesses which lost money should be reimburssed. This should never be allowed to happen again. I just hope that nobody died.
The phone company won't tell customers what happened? Something sounds fishy to me.