Thursday, December 8, 2011


I was driving home and I had my camera in my purse; I snapped the first shot on the freeway. I wish I could have captured the huge flock of birds that took off from the empty field. I stopped my vehicle on a side road near my house and took a few pictures as the sun was going down.
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  1. I am admiring your photos. The light and shadows are beautiful. I also find myself driving when I see something I wish I could capture with my camera. I have often pulled over to a place where I can take a photo. When the light is a certain way, it will never happen again.

  2. I always wish I could capture what I refer to as the "golden light" that happens in September and October as the sun is going down. I like the Impressionist painters in how they caught that instant. I love art but lack any ability. These photos are taken in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia.
