Saturday, October 31, 2015

Scene / Seen (Thirty One Days of Halloween) -- Happy Halloween


  1. Did you do anything fun for Halloween? I laid around like a big lump of lazy, but that's my preferred activity.

  2. I had to work nights, but I didn't want to be a Grinch, so I dropped off candy with te kids around me. However, I had gone to an interactive play a few weeks ago called "Zombie Contagion." It had us running in a park in the dark and solving a mystery. All the while, we were being chased by zombies. I stayed in the Hotel Vancouver with a friend and we did some ghost sleuthing as he's a horror writer with Damnation books. That hotel has had several sightings of a woman in red. We kept having the 4th floor light up on the elevator and she is said to favour the 14th. So, we went up there. My friend made a comment about the place smelling musty. As he did so, the light blew out.
