Monday, February 16, 2009


I have found a way to travel in time, although I hardly control when it happens. Music has the power to do that to me. Every once in a while I will hear a song and instantly I find myself back in a time or place. It does not happen often, but when it does occur the link is profound. I am transported.
Each time "Love My Way" by the Psychedelic Furs is played I see my friends dancing; slow as though under water. I see the very precise angle at which my friend held her cigarette as she slid languidly on her small patch of ground with whatever rail-thin, British guy she had on her hit list that month.
"The House of the Rising Sun" was a song belonging to another generation, but to me it will always represent the train. I will forever envision a bunch of strangers, at two in the morning, in the bar car when somebody produced a guitar and knew how to play this number. That feeling of never wanting the morning to come or the ride to stop.
I cannot help but notice that most of these memories are tied with youth. People will refer to "their song"' ; the one that they remember from their first date. Why does this connection to music stop as we grow older? I still love all varieties (except country and rap) and a sad bit of music in film can move me to tears when I am alone. Yet, I cannot think of one song, past a certain age, that really has that same bonding element. I will enjoy it---but it does not pull me back. I think that's sad, somehow.


  1. Smells do that to me too. Ivory and Camay soaps bring me right back to my grandparents house and the bad memories I had there.

  2. I like the smell of marsh as it brings back camping as a kid. As for your grandparents, I am just now reading the biography of Lucy Maud Montgomery. I loved the Anne of Green Gables books as a kid. I read every single one. Oddly, her life wasn't the happy one expected as the author had to live with her grandparents and they were cold and the grandfather was always comparing her to her cousins. It really bothered her and made her unhappy. So, it seems her writing was actually how she wished life would be. I had just read your message and then I read the chapter in the book. Ugh. I wish people would get it and not do stuff to kids.
