Friday, December 31, 2010


`````I am working tonight---not that I care. I find New Years Eve probably the most depressing of all the holidays going. Years ago I was babysitting for my Aunt and Uncle, as they were out with my parents and other friends of the family. There used to be a big dinner and dance which they all attended. I had done the obligatory counting down of the ball as it dropped, then found myself hunting around for something to watch. It was amazing how many times they could play the same movie over and over again. They seemed to be extra late getting home, and I soon discovered why.
`````When they finally walked through the door, I saw that they were not joyful and festive. Their eyes were sunken and downcast. While at the party, their friend had suffered a heart attack and died. Somebody had tried to perform first aid, but it had not helped. He had been healthy and had a physical job, yet there had been no warning signs. Of course, I was a teen at the time and he seemed ancient. He wasn't. He was such a funny man, who used to go camping with us sometimes. His wife and kids were also superb.
`````I've never been one for public displays of affection, and New Years is all about getting up close and personal. Not only am I expected to watch others carry on, but it's considered good form to kiss and hug people that are almost strangers. I have a large personal space around me. I've been asked to seriously consider whether or not I might have Asperger's. Getting overly familiar just because a clock has chimed is not my idea of a good time, especially when a person is drunk. It's not a good mix.
`````I function best when impaired and given my migraines, I cannot drink. Trust me, I'm much more fun under the influence. If I could be messed up on a daily basis, I'd get a much higher job performance rating. But, it isn't legal. Parties when sober are no fun.
`````If I'm going to be really honest, the last New Year's party I went to was ages ago, back in the blackout days of my troubled eating. Thanks to that, I still remember the bathroom stall everytime I hear the song "New Year's Day" by U2. It really was one of those epiphany moments. I had gained weight and thought I was obese, as I was up to a gigantic 92 pounds . This meant that drastic measures had to be taken, so I went out that day and ate nothing except some wonton soup at the Green Door. The fact that I remember this shows how crazed I was. The Green Door was in Chinatown, and had to be reached by going up a back alley which stank of urine. It was famous for its wonton, though getting there was risky. The inside of the restaurant featured only picnic tables.
`````The other item that I consumed that day was diet pop and stimulants. God only knows what those pills were; speed of some sort. One dollar each. Needless to say, the health risks for a person of my weight weren't great, especially when I went and walked the entire day to burn off that one bowl of soup. I then went to my friend's place, changed, and went out to dance. Now requiring more energy, I took more "medication." This is where the toilet comes into play. I began to feel odd---very odd. My stomach felt as though my intenstines were being twisted into knots. I found myself on the very dirty bathroom floor, vomiting. There was nothing to come up, of course.
`````I realized the irony of it all; I had lost weight to make myself feel better about things. So that I could fit in and feel more glib and talk. It worked for a while. Then I isolated myself. And here I was, in the toilet, all alone.
`````So, I hate New Years. I think about everybody who has died, every last way I've screwed up, etc. I'm going in to work early, so that somebody else can go home and have a good time. I just hope that I can avoid hearing that "Auld Lang Syne" song. It's a killer.


This song came out some time ago, well before the banking crisis. It certainly is true:
..."the roads jam up with credit, and there's nothing you can do." I hope the next
year is better somehow, but I doubt it.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


`````It's so embarassing; the fact that I could find my notebooks from every year---and the same lists would be there. The ways in which I plan on improving my life, on fixing myself, on turning things around. I know I'm not the only person who does this. In fact, it's the first week or so that makes or breaks many a fitness club. They sell one year memberships to clientele, who join up with the best of intentions. If you wait about a month, great deals can be found on little used exercise equipment.
`````For people who succumb to "all or nothing" thinking, it's a trap. Because, if you eat just one cookie too much, you've blown it. You might as well go all hog and order a pizza to go with it and chow down. Then you wait for the next "marker" to start fresh---next Monday, for example. It really is crazy making.
`````There has to be different sorts of resolutions out there---ones I want to call "revolts." A way to totally alter my approach to my life. I always hide in the background. I forever rehearse what I want to say in my head before I say it; it's as though I'm running a teleprompter in my skull when I'm having a conversation. I'm never actually in the moment because of it. This needs to stop. I have to start being present and just talk.
`````I want to try to read a different poem every day. In doing so, maybe I'll accidentally come upon one of those magical lines that speaks to me, the way the ending of "The Great Gatsby" does.
`````I want to use Google Street View and just plunk it down on any old place, once a day, and see where I end up. I'll start with the United States and Canada, as it might be a place I can do a road trip. If it looks interesting, I'll read up on it. There's so many places I know nothing about.
`````I want to pick up foreign phrases and toss it into my conversation. Youtube allows me to do that. Once or twice a week, I want to find foreign conversation on there.
`````I really need to start letting people know what they mean to me. I'm so bad at expressing my feelings that I've been called sociopathic (and that's by my good friend). Expressing it after the fact, to myself, in a journal, does little good.
`````There's more that will come to me. It has to be better then torturing myself over not weighing what one of the Olsen twins does. A revolt sounds much more exciting than a resolution.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


(Coast-to-Coast, for those who don't listen, is a talk show which focuses on the explained. It's sort of like a radio version of the X-Files)
I really am a sceptic, but this past summer an interesting event took place. I thought I would
share the photos. It was a totally clear day when I went to the Gardens. Not a cloud in the sky.

I was writing, when a plane went overhead. I snapped a photo, as I thought the line made an
interesting angle over the trees and power-lines.

I noticed something odd; there was a haze which began to spread from the trail. It did so more
then a usual jet trail. I could actually see it floating down.

Had it not been totally clear a minute before, a person could have thought it was a bit of a hazy
day outside.

Here you can see the plumes starting to come down a bit further along the way.

More photos of the same.

A close-up.

Planes kept going over.

It suddenly wasn't clear at all outside. The pattern was visible.

Here comes one more.
This, by the way, is taken about 10 to 15 minutes away from where I live.


I like to compare how stories are written up in various papers and countries. The comment below was from "The New York Daily News." The readers in the "Daily Mail" (United Kingdom), were far more civilized. I would love to retort to this idiot in the following manner:
`````Ruhi, honey, your **** would never manage to do that, as a model would never let you within ten feet of her. In fact, I suspect the only "sword" you ever manage to swath is your Star Wars sabre.
2:31 AMDec 24, 2010
my **** would tear her in half... Yes, I said it.Read more:

NY Daily News - Discussions - Too skinny? Allie Crandell's ...
`````I suppose that had I watched reality television, this would not be my first introduction to Allie Crandell. But, since I don't watch the aforementioned, it is. However, I do like to blog about weight issues.
`````Most people have heard the story by now. Allie Crandell was modelling for a company and after complaints were received, she was told to gain weight. Customers had written that they would not buy clothing from any company that encouraged young women to be so emaciated. In Europe, cat-walks have attempted to address this issue by stating that models must have a healthy BMI. In reality, it does nothing to solve the issue. With the exception of a few plus-size (oh no---a whopping size 12) models, the weights have continued to drop over the years.
`````Many argue that models, being very young and tall (and perhaps, freaks of nature), are thin by nature and do not starve to achieve their physique. Others state that no matter what, it presents an unnatural and unrealistic image for young girls, thus encouraging eating disorders.
`````It's always hard to tell by photographs what's really going on. The camera adds weight, and good lighting and makeup can hide lack of sleep, lack of pounds and heavy drug usage. There is also the added usage of Photo-Shop, which can mask a number of misdeeds.
`````I'm really conflicted on this issue. In other jobs, people get called out over their health on a regular basis. For example, people may have to meet physical standards for insurance reasons. I don't, however, see how this one model is any different then any other model out there. I don't get why she's being targeted. There's many models who have fake breast implants, which might make them seem "curvier" and thus more acceptable to the male audience.
`````Realistically, I know that thin photos had nothing to do with the anorexia I suffered when I was in university. It had nothing to do with my episodes of compulsive over eating, bulimia (via laxatives) or practically any other disordered eating you can find in the DSM. Is is the fault of the fashion industry that it might drive some people to it? I don't think so. No more then advertising drives people to steal. We are all accountable for our own actions.
`````If the girl is ill and needs help, I hope she gets it for herself. It's highly hypocritical for the fashion industry to suddenly have her as a scapegoat, though. Who knows? I've become so cynical of the media that I can see it all as a set-up for another reality show.
`````So, while she may be the topic-du-jour, and people tsk, tsk, her weight, how many models have been rejected because they're too dark, too heavy, too short, too old, over-exposed.....? I guess they can feel self righteous in this one case.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Crossbow Cannibal: not mad, just bad The Sun News

Includes video


This time, the bad guy confessed. Quite frankly, I'm sure that he did it not out of any concern for the victims or their family. Sociopaths have no empathy. This guy wanted the fame (or rather, infamy), of being known as the "Crossbow Killer." His name is all over the papers in England. Without doing these crimes, he would never have achieved any sort of recognition on his own wherein his name would have become known. At the age of 40, he was still working towards his PhD in Psychology. His field of study was serial killers. Something tells me that his research would never have warranted any write-ups in academic journals.
He posted photos of himself shirtless on websites. On the surface, he appeared to be clean cut. Look a little deeper, and he had issues. He had a violent past. He had assaulted his previous girlfriends, to the point that one lived in fear of him. He had been caught shop-lifting and had slashed the throat of somebody. I would suggest that such an act is attempted murder, no? As late as l992, he had held a knife to a girl. Yet, he was still allowed to enter and pursue academic work in Psychology. I have to ask if somebody would, at some point, have allowed this man to set up shop and practice? One has to wonder if he didn't study psychology because he wanted to figure out what was wrong with himself. Perhaps there was something wrong in the family, early on, as his mother was convicted of benefits fraud (what they call welfare or social assistance).
I've blogged in the past about the missing women in the downtown Eastside of Vancouver. Because of their lifestyle and line of work, it was all to easy for so many of them to disappear before anybody paid attention. People saw them as a "vice" and not as a person. They became a stereotype and were judged as leading to their own demise.
I want people to look at these photos and think of what it must have been like for this woman, and for the others that he killed. Had this video surveillance not caught him, he would have gone on to do it again. In fact, only hours after killing, he tried to pick up another woman. She picked up bad "vibes" and left. I've also written of those "vibes"; those feelings that animals certainly have and we has humans do too. At times we don't want to be rude, and we override that sense which tells us to "get out of Dodge." That gut feeling is there for a reason---there are bad people in this world who mean us harm. Listen to that voice. Some of them look like really clean-cut people.
This guy was a student, who might have gone on to instruct, had he not been caught. Yet, he ate his victims; raw and cooked. Frankly, I think anybody who meets a stranger online is engaging in very risky conduct. He killed people in an apartment in a civilized city of millions. If that doesn't give people pause to think, I don't know what will.


I was recently sent one of those take-offs on the "Demotivational posters". I'd seen the photo before, although in another context. This time, the caption read "Gunt", with something underneath it. The photo was of a woman, taken at some event. It was obvious that she didn't know she was being photographed; she was sitting on some bleachers, in an unattractive muumuu, with her stomach revealed beneath the hem of her dress.
`````I've always been sensitive as to how others feel. I've blogged about picking larger kids for baseball in elementary school, as they were always the last chosen. I bowled for years with a wonderful , smart, talented guy who was gay when I was in junior high. He was constantly being bullied. To this day I despise those idiotic jocks and that mindset. Now, people feel free to use the internet to torment others.
`````I want to limit my blog today to the photos that we receive. I've noticed that almost all of them involve overweight people---specifically large women. If I forward them, I'm saying that it's okay. It's implied consent to allow that sort of abuse to go on. It would be like not taking a stand against those signs that said "Coloured only" by drinking fountains. It's why kids think it's alright to exclude heavier classmates from their parties, no matter how nice or smart they might be. People pick up these messages somewhere, right?
`````I cannot imagine how that woman feels; the one in the "gunt" poster. It's one thing if we volunteer to allow our image to be used. If we happen to be walking down the street, just living our life, and our image is snapped; that's a different story. Why should we be open to derision and abuse?
`````The public arena argument doesn't apply. I was walking on a major street once and was approached by a photographer for one of the major papers in the city. At the time, I was in university and dressed very funky. They had an advertising campaign going and the tag was "What kind of people read the......paper?" He asked if he could take my photograph, holding the paper. I had to sign a model release. I never knew if they ran it or not. On another occasion, I had my photo taken by the guy who cut my hair, as he wanted to use it for a submission to something. Again, this was when I was going to school and he cut my hair in an unusual, experimental style. The same thing took place....I had to sign a model release.
`````I think the same rules should apply for the internet, if it's going to be circulated by anybody other then yourself or your friends (because you obviously gave consent). The courts have already ruled in favour of people who have sued as their likeness has been used to sell items, when they never agreed to it. I doubt these poor women agreed to have their likeness stuck on a demotivational poster. Incidentally, since ads are run on the internet sites which feature these items, profit is being made.
`````Nobody is going to care or know, with the exception of myself, but I can chose not to forward the e-mail. Honestly, it won't make a world of difference. At least I'll know that I didn't contribute to somebody's humiliation.
(ART-found on the internet and it was not credited. Found on a site about cats).


With New Year's approaching, people are going to be making the usual resolutions about losing weight. I was reminded of the comment that Sarah Palin made a while ago. She made fun of Michelle Obama's attempts to get the public moving and eating in a healthier fashion. Sarah Palin felt that it wasn't the government's business telling anybody how to raise their kids; that they would know best how to feed them.
This of course, is where I wanted to remind Ms Palin of the definition of irony. She seems to have a problem with understanding words, so she might need reminding, after all.
Honestly, I hate being nagged at. But, Ms Palin is the last person who should talk. While her party decries big government and praises personal responsibility, they certainly want to be the town fishwife when it comes to the issue of sexuality (specifically, freedom of choice for women and recently, "don't ask, don't tell.") Isn't this the most private and personal arena of all? It really doesn't infringe on the rights of anybody else, so why are they getting involved?
Ms Palin was the person who pushed abstinence. It was her party that wanted to force prayer in school. They wanted to make it difficult for people to get access to the Plan B emergency contraception. Back when Reagan was in power, they introduced drug testing---not for people sitting with their finger on the button of a nuclear silo. No; for a person loading groceries at some local corner grocery store. The purpose? To get information so that some large insurance company could deny them coverage should they develop cancer ten years down the line. Whatever happened to unreasonable search and seizure?
Every First lady has a platform, and Michelle Obama seems to have taken up matters of personal health as hers (I look forward to seeing what the first "First Gentleman" does). She's in good shape and has two daughters, thus she understands the challenges faced. Michelle Obama certainly wasn't suggesting that junk food be taxed or removed from the shelves. It's obvious that Sarah Palin reacted without understanding the concept---again. However, if a person is going to make a negative comment, they had best make sure that their own house is clean first. We certainly know hers isn't.

Friday, December 24, 2010


`````I am having trouble sleeping again. I am going to attempt to get to work a bit earlier tonight. I won't be paid for it, but it's one of those things we try to do at Christmas. Those of us who are stuck working the holidays will try to get in earlier for people who have something planned. Over the years I have spent most of my holidays at work.
`````My family celebrates on the evening of the 24th. I've blogged previously about lutfisk; the gelatinous mass of fish, the scent of which will permeate the house. It's a quivering mass---an UNSUB (unknown substance)---daring you to poke it with a fork. To be consumed, it has to be coated with the white sauce and pepper which accompanies it. Alcohol always helps too. The lutfisk always steams up the windows as it cooks, obscuring the world outside and reflecting the lights of the tree back at you. The dog mooches in the kitchen, as he doesn't know what's cooking in the pot. And let's face it, dogs will eat anything.
`````I won't be doing it this year. I have some cookies that my mother sent with me and some takeout East Indian food I'd ordered. GM Restaurant has the best Chili Cheese; hardly a taste of the season, but I like spicy food. I'll heat that up at work for dinner, sometime around 0300 in the morning. There's nothing like curry in the middle of the night, which I guess explains why shift workers have high rates of indigestion.
`````I feel bad about the gifts I'd purchased this year, as the items I'd wanted to get were gone by the time I finally got my sorry butt to the store. I'll have to get something extra for my youngest niece when it's her birthday in January. This year she's acknowledged that she no longer believes in Santa, so the charade is off. I always give my older nieces $130.00 in cash, so that they can buy whatever they want. I remember what it was like being a teenager and I don't want to be some adult who gives them "uncool" clothing. Taste is such an individual thing and I'd rather they just get what they want. Boy, do I dread the holidays.
`````I am going to try to get some sleep. I hope everybody has a good Christmas Eve. My cats have already hacked up some Christmas treats for me....thanks guys.

Art by Carl Larson

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Image found on the web after a google search for "ostriches."

CBC News - Consumer Life - Telemarketer hit with $500,000 CRTC fine
`````I've blogged of my dislike of telemarketers. I'm against the testing of products on animals, so I'd like to volunteer the services of these crooks. At least then they'd be contributing something useful to society. As I wrote in my earlier blog, when a phone call can drive me to the point of uttering that ugly "c" word to a complete stranger, it's time to stop the madness.
`````These people claim they collect for charities, yet only contribute a minuscule amount of all monies gathered. I hope they rot. Profiting from the misery and pain of others is disgusting, and they do the hard sell on the elderly and polite. They exploit all that is good in people for greed.
`````I was called several times in the last two weeks by a company similar to this one (I didn't pick up...check out the site "Who Called Me" for the goods on unknown numbers). The one phone call came after 0930 at night, which is against telemarketing rules.
`````Although I rarely drink, due to my migraines, I might just celebrate this win. Congratulations to the civil servant who took them on, and the people who lodged complaints.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010



The Vancouver Island Marmot - Canada's Most Endangered Species

`````The topic of donations and charities came up, and people shared which organizations they give to and which they avoid. It's that time of year after all, and as my post above indicates, some unscrupulous groups have been dinged for their conduct.
`````On a regular basis I give to the SPCA, the Friends of the CBC (as the government basically wants to shut them down) and the Marmots. This is where I got the "looks"; a situation with which I am all too familiar.
`````"Aren't they like, big rats?" somebody asked. There was a judgemental tone to the question.
````` Ten years ago, there were only 25 left in the wild and they are Canada's most endangered animal. People are a little more aware of them now, as they were one of our Olympic mascots. There was some irony in this, given the fact that ski hills are one of the biggest threats to their habitat. They also gave the mascots ridiculous names, better suited to "Hello Kitty" stuffed animals. I guess they felt this would appeal to the tourists.
`````It's a good organization, and they don't waste my donation sending me stupid stamps, notebooks, whatever. I'll receive a little flyer at the end of the year, telling me how the little guys are doing and how many were born that year.
`````I've actually warned a lot of groups when I donate that if they ever contact me via a telemarketer, they'll never receive a dime from me again. I'll write that on my donation form. Some people don 't listen very well (are you listening, heart and stroke?) I used to give a regular payment to the political party which I support, although they'll never be elected in the national forum. They are far too liberal. I actually gave them one extra warning when they phoned me---then they did it again. I'll still vote for them, of course, but they won't get any more cash.
`````One thing that truly irks me is how people seem to judge my interest in the marmots and the SPCA. I've noticed this in the comments section of newspapers as well. People seem to feel that a person cannot be concerned with both animals and humans. It's not an exclusive club!
`````I guess I'll be labelled "the nut who donates to save the rats." I'm already the cat lady.


I re watched the DVD "Frost/Nixon" on my rest days. I find Frank Langella a great actor and there's something in him which reminds me of Christopher Plummer. I would love to see the two of them on stage together. This movie manages to make the transition from play to screen very well. Unlike many pieces set in the l970's, it does not rely on the camp of clothing and props which we easily recognize as being of the time. Instead, it is a duel between two men at the end of their rope, determined to make a comeback in the public eye and to redeem themselves to themselves.
I've always been a fan of talk radio; as a kid I'd try to pick up stations from far flung places. Depending where I was working in the Bleak House, talk radio certainly provided a reprieve from boredom. I'd turn the dial and find something which suited my mood. There used to be a very interesting host by the name of Bryan Styble in Seattle. However, KIRO decided that they wanted to turn their late night format into the usual boring drivel of all sports talk, all the time. I can think of nothing more inane. Bryan Styble might talk of poetry one minute, then local politics the next. He was a huge fan of Bob Dylan. He once had Vincent Bulgiosli on as a guest, and because of it, I ordered his huge and excellent tome on the Kennedy killing through Amazon.
One of the topics one night was on best and worst presidents. Bryan Styble's favourite president happened to be Ronald Reagan. Now, while I didn't agree with his choice, he had some very interesting reasons for that decision and I love debate. As I've said before, as long as a person has good arguments, I have no problems at all listening to that individual .
Some callers will automatically suggest that Nixon is the worst. I don't believe so, given what he did in China. However, I think that Nixon had an interesting and profound effect on the psyche of the public. It's thanks to his administration that people are now willing to accept that 9/11 was an inside job. Had somebody put out a student/independent film prior to Watergate making such suggestions, it would not have been believed. Before the Watergate scandal, the majority accepted the conclusion of the Warren Commission in regards to the death of President Kennedy. Now, people would be willing to conclude that anybody from the CIA to their mother-in-law was involved.
The Nixon Administration caused a profound distrust of the government to develop. People now write consiracy theory books on almost any topic, or any death. One need only look at the unfortunate car accident that killed Princess Diana. Television series such as the "X Files" entered the mainstream.
It's a good DVD if a person wants to see one up-man-ship. I like the fact that Langella does not fall back on the classic Nixon mannerisms. It literally is a chess game being played out. Yes, I betray my Political Science minor in watching this, but even those who might not have an interest in such topics should give it a try.


`````I took a few vacation days off as I am working through the holidays. My mother does not drive and I thought that I would give her a hand with some last minute shopping. Of course, as it turned out, I ended up doing my shopping as well, thanks to the migraine that had messed things up.
`````This was the first time that my mother had a bad diabetic reaction in my presence. While we were in the store I noticed that she seemed to be a bit "off." I suggested that we go and get something to eat. Mom broke into a sweat in the restaurant, and she was a bit disoriented when she spoke. She got better when she ate and took her medication. It is very troublesome, however, as her medication level is high and she is not overweight; there just doesn't seem to be much they can do in controlling the ups and downs in her readings.
`````Dad did not complain, but I could tell that he was in pain. Years of hard physical labour have taken their toll on him. I feel so spoiled at times and I wish that they could enjoy themselves more. They really deserve it.
`````My mother sent me home with traditional home-made "Jul" cookies. I don't need the calories and I hope that I manage to restrict my consumption of them.
`````I got home and discovered that there is going to be trouble. My grey tabby has discovered that the screensaver has a black and white image of a tabby; he has turned it on and off. My computer doesn't need the added stimulus of a deranged feral hitting the keys in search of the cat which resembles himself. I'm going to have to change the image, even though I like it.
`````Speaking of cats, I must be their number one customer or something, as the corner store gave me a gift again this year. It was beautifully wrapped and looks like it might be chocolates. Two years ago it was wine. I think I spend a small fortune picking up kibbles, litter and Diet Pepsi on my way home from work (not to mention the occasional sinful purchase of a National Enquirer when it runs articles on stars caught without make-up). Such is life in a small town; they still note people in such a fashion.
`````I remembered to get some money for the garbage man. I give him a good bonus every Christmas, as he overlooks my extra hefty bags. Our town, as I've blogged before, has a by-law limiting people to two pets per household. My garbage easily betrays the fact that I have more then that---it's almost entirely composed of clumping cat litter. Don't ask, don't tell, right?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


`````The other day when I was in the mood to blog, the phone service was down, as was the internet. When I write that it was "down", I mean that it violated all rules as laid out by national standards. It crashed at 0310 in the morning; I know this as I'm a vampire. Even on my days off I keep my nightshift pattern. It did not come on line until about four in the afternoon. ````` At first I thought it was part of my own going problem with Microcrap. However, it was worse then that. As it turns out, the phone didn't work either. It was so bad, the entire town's phone service (if using Telus) did not work. In fact, a person couldn't even dial the operator. This is where the national standards were breached; unless something catastrophic happens, that isn't suppossed to occur. As it turns out, nobody could dial 911 either. On the busiest shopping day of the year, the stores could not accept any charge or debit cards. Nobody could fill their prescriptions. Cell-phones didn't work either, if they were with this carrier. Given the fact that this is the main provider, it was a serious issue.
`````I can certainly live without the internet; in fact, I tend to do so as my issues with Microcrap are so bad. When people are unable to dial 911 for twelve hours, it is beyond the pale. This town has a lot of elderly people in it, and there is an old folk's home directly behind me. There are two prisons in the community, which require ambulance and police services to be called in. There are two highways which traverse it, meaning that there are accidents.
`````How in the hell does the service go out at 0310 and nobody fixes it until the next day? I spoke to somebody in a store, and she happened to have a cellphone with another service provider. When she phoned Telus to ask what was going on, the woman she spoke with insisted that "there was no problem." In the last couple of years, many of the front line workers have been laid off. In trying to get help, you may end up speaking with somebody in India.
`````Days later, there hasn't been one word of explanation . All of the businesses which lost money should be reimburssed. This should never be allowed to happen again. I just hope that nobody died.


Friday, December 17, 2010


I am giving up doing any cleaning and crashing again. I'll leave you with this guy; his cheerful disposition is needed at the moment.
(Card found on the internet. Artwork not credited).


`````I have never booked off sick three days in a row, but I did it this week. I had such a bad migraine that I threw up and lost eleven pounds. Technically, it was a cluster headache. Anyways, I just wanted to die. When I got up, the skylight was leaking.
`````This headache won't go away and everytime I start to do anything, it threatens to come back. Today, I found myself ordering a product from a store that I swore I'd never purchase from again. I'll relate why when I feel better. It was last minute desperation in gift buying. I wanted to get my parents an item for their yard which my mother's been coveting but would never buy for herself. While on-line, I found this item in the catalogue. It looks child/girl-sized to me. If so, there really isn't much that I can say. Please, let's bring back mismatched kid clothes and just having fun.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Xmas Photos of the Day

Lumpy is just hoping that at the end of it all, some kibbles will be provided.

This is Pitney, who died years ago. I miss this wonderful little guy so much. Here he is amidst the tinsel in the tree. He ended up knocking it down a couple of times.

More of Grumpy Chester. He is planning retribution.

This is my parent's dog. The sad face is because he was told to leave the kitchen. Mom was cooking Christmas dinner and he persisted in mooching. This dog is the biggest ham and manipulator going.


`````I have written in previous posts about some of the teachers I was fortunate to have, and the ensuing love of debate and discourse, knowledge and books which developed as a result. I was reading an article in the paper and went on to check the comments. The feature was on education, yet the respondents went off on their own tangents. It wasn't the first time that people made mention of teachers instilling values upon kids.
`````If a person were to believe some of the posts, one would come to the conclusion that there was a vast conspiracy out there, intent on brainwashing children. You'd swear that they were talking about a cult like the Moonies or Scientology. Usually this sort of passion is only reserved for talk of the "Illuminati" and their New World Order on late night radio.
`````Sadly, too many parents are so disconnected from what goes on at their kids' schools that I'd be surprised if the could recount what was even on the curriculum. Many see their children only on holidays or every second week thanks to custody issues. I doubt every one of those people venting makes it to parent/teacher meetings. You know how it is....the game's on television that night...Then there's that group of people who are almost proud of their stupidity. They're the ones who'll pull a face and make negative comments about "intellectuals." The sort of person who'd rather vote for an ex-wrestler as he looks like he'd kick ass, as opposed to somebody who went to the London School of Economics.
`````It troubles me that people will wax on and on about an issue they know nothing of. Talking about it is bad enough, but these are the ones who want to change policy. They'll get on a tirade about banning some book, even though they didn't necessarily read it. Perhaps they heard about it from their minister, and were swayed by his word alone that the book was a missive of the devil. How else to explain the banning of books such as "Go Ask Alice", "To Kill a Mockingbird", "Tom Sawyer" and even "The Diary of Anne Frank." Yes! I had clipped the article once and cannot find it. Some backwater town had actually considered banning that book from the local school or library because somebody had been taken aback by the passage wherein Anne describes her feelings for Peter. Thankfully, people came to their senses.
`````The comments which troubled me this time were that teachers should have no opinions of their own; that anything they said should be value neutral. In actual fact, I suspect what the writers actually meant was that the values should not be thought provoking or contrary to their own.
`````In high school, we had to read the novel "Cry the Beloved Country." As part of the general discussion surrounding the book, my teacher asked us how many people supported capital punishment. Most of the kids put up their hands. The school consisted mainly of white kids from middle-class families.
`````My instructor then related something of his background. He was from South Africa and he was "Mixed." Things like that mattered over there, as he wasn't white. On the scale of things, he wasn't perceived as lowly as the blacks, but there were doors not open to him. The law was not always a fair practice in his homeland when he emigrated. He then spoke of it a bit.
`````In elementary school, a fiercely intelligent and independent teacher never let us forget that women or girls could achieve things in life as well. I remember to this day a short story she read from "Ms" magazine. That bit of writing really made me think about how we immediately make an assumption about somebody when we hear that they are either male or female.
`````I resented the imposing of religious doctrine by one English teacher, when he wanted us to prey. I sat quietly, but would not bow my head. Peter W did the same, until he got up and walked out one day. He went on to study art and the last I heard, instructs in Brooklyn.
`````Our opinions are part of our package as humans, and most teachers are decent individuals. They aren't in the job to turn innocent school kids into monsters. If they relate something of their own beliefs, it's probably because they're trying to increase empathy and tolerance. Some kids come from homes where it's okay to use the "n" word, or where they see one parent abuse the other. I don't see anything wrong in a teacher correcting bullying behavior or hatred. Somebody has to step up to the plate.
`````Smart, intelligent debate over issues is a wonderful thing. You might not agree with a person's position, but as long as they present their side of the argument with some facts and groundwork, there's discourse. Good teachers know how to encourage that sort of thinking. They might have to spur it on by presenting their sentiments over an issue. It seems that those who lack this sort of education are the ones who resort to rude name-calling the minute a person disagrees with them.
`````An opposing idea doesn't circumvent the daily groundwork laid at home. If people are so fearful of the introduction of new concepts, perhaps it's because they lack faith themselves. They feel like they could easily be tempted, therefore anybody could fall of the track. After all, it's only the crazy zealots who deny education to their children in favour of pure doctrine. All that gets you is people willing to blow up planes.
`````Before condeming teachers, some people should talk to them first.

IDIOTS UPDATE(just because it's a bad day and the cats don't deserve my venting)

The ones on the left are the nuts. The better dressed on the right, are normal.

`The freaks from the Westboro Church did make their appearance at the funeral service of Elizabeth Edwards. I thought that I would toss together some photos of them in action. Note the common themes: ignorant hateful comments, making a nuisance in public and no dress sense.
`I'm always amused that these people are so fearful of gay men. They must be kept out of the military, because, after all, who knows what sorts of hanky panky could unfold otherwise? These men would surely start making lustful, come hither eyes at Mr Macho.
`Honey Child....hate to break it to you....but no---just no. Perhaps I'm stereotyping, but every gay man that I've known has always been well educated. The congregation at this church is hardly Mensa material. I doubt they'd be able to sit down for a fireside tete-a-tete to discuss the bestsellers as listed by the New York Times. Maria Callas' sad odes to lost passion would not be appreciated in a revered hush. "Callas? Isn't that a type of wine? I'm a beer man myself."
`What amazes me is that they even manage to make some of their signs garish. The colour scheme doesn't match on any of their outfits, and even their pickets clash. They are somehow able to violate several male fashion "don'ts" in one outfit. Something tells me, too, that these men have never bought any clothes for themselves. My guess is that these are the types of guys who let their wives purchase their outfits for them. As children, Mom dressed them. As adults, the wife does. When left to their own devices, it really goes to hell. This is why somebody needs to design "Grr-Animals for Men." You remember Grr-animals, right? Those were the kids clothes that had animal designs on the label, so that a tiger matched with a tiger would equal a decent ensemble. But, I guess if these guys lose their wife in a hunting accident, they can always order up a new mail order bride.
`Listen up Mr Macho from Westboro church. If a gay man ever approached you, it's only because he's from a reality television show doing make-overs. Somewhere, a hidden camera man is tsk-tsking over the horror. Trust me, he isn't interested. You have nothing to fear. But, somewhere, right now, Tom Ford is probably cringing at this fashion faux-pas and the lack of black.
`By the way, I normally don't judge or comment on the basis of appearance. But, since these people have chosen to condemn others based on race, colour, sex, religion, etc., it's a free for all.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Painting by William Bougeureau-The Day of the Dead
`````Last Tuesday, I had to do a quick dash to the store for some Diet Pepsi and kibbles. I had spoken with my friend back east only the night before, but he had promised to phone again that evening. I was due back in to work the next day, and I was stuffing items into the laundry and leaving everything to the last minute, as usual.
`````In the store parking lot, I spotted a familiar face. She looked pained, even though she was surrounded by two or three other people. Their body language betrayed their concern for her. When I stepped out of my vehicle, I understood why. There were Christmas lights around the Hydro pole on the corner. As there was no plug in, these required batteries. But there they were--strung---a challenge to vandals.
`````This was no holiday decoration, however; it was a sad shrine that had stood there for years. The theme changed with the holidays, yet the items planted at its base and afixed to the pole remained forever those of a child. This you see, was one of the roadside memorials which are increasingly becoming a monument to loss and grief.
`````"B" seems like a nice woman; I say hello and speak to her when we cross paths. She works part time at a couple of stores in this small town. And, given the size of the city, her story is one we are all aware of. She had been raising her grandchild, as her son had been having some problems. I don't know what had become of his mother. One night, as he drove home on his bicycle, he went through a light and was hit by a car. That driver was not the villian; there was nothing he could have done. It was close to ten or eleven at night and weather conditions weren't ideal for visibility. He had the right of way. That person could have been yanked out of the pages of a Herriot novel. He was the local vet, and his British accent was authentic. The house in which he lived was the closest thing to a thatched cottage that one can imagine. Cows meandered on his small farm, amidst the stone wall and hedges. This man, literally a week or so from retirement, was left devastated.
`````These were seconds that could have happened to any of us. Loss we could all suffer or share in. One of those events that changes absolutely everything forever. We all grapple with tragedy and life in our own way. Sometimes we may not understand why it is that people find solace in particular activities.
`````"B" tends to her memorial, and people leave it alone. Thankfully, no suit from the Electric Company has complained about the pole. No recriminations have been cast or posted in the local paper towards any parties. Maybe the shrine reminds people to stick helmuts onto their children as they ride their bike.
`````But, this time of year isn't always a happy one for people. It is sometimes a void of vast loss that is difficult for those untouched by that hand to understand. It's easy to get short tempered with the crowds and charge-cards and to miss that person, standing off by themselves. We might not know their story, but as intuitive, intelligent people we have to be able to ascertain that things aren't going well.
`````That memorial shrine is B's link to her grandson. Yet, others, such as the elderly in homes, may have nothing. I hope that people remember to visit them at this time of year.

Friday, December 10, 2010


The above postcard belongs to another line, but the scene was so familiar. I recall standing on the deck as we approached the St. Foy Bridge in Quebec City. I ran to get my Dad, as the optical illusion was such that I swore the top of the ship would not clear the deck. I mentioned this to my father when I was over last, and he recalled it as well. He reaffirmed that it certainly didn't look as though there was enough room.

I found this old postcard online.
I really should be sleeping, as I had a bit of a headache last night at work, and I had not slept well. But, I started to look for images of a ship we'd taken to Canada. I've mentioned in other posts that my family had packed our belongings into a couple of trunks and suitcases and returned to North America. It was wrenching to leave my Grandparents in Finland. I can still recall the last dinner we'd had before we left. It was a traditional fish, potato type casserole with a white sauce over it. I was given a little patent red purse, into which my Grandfather placed some candy. He did this via the magic tricks he always performed; sleights of hand so as not to notice the tears.
As an adult, I now understand how scary and difficult it must have been for my parents to move again. There wasn't much work in their homeland and North America was still the promised land. Despite the homesickness, they had to make their own way in life. I had to leave my large doll behind, which I loved dearly, and my stuffed animals. It was my first introduction to sacrifice. My parents, of course, left so much more of themselves and said good-bye forever.
The ship was a huge adventure. When I spoke of it the other day my father, ever reticent in his memories, mentioned a few things.
"The Hollywood people called us the 'Finnish Delegation," he said. I didn't know what he was talking about. I mentioned a woman who we dined with; a woman that I knew, even as a child, was very rich.
"No, not her," related Dad. "She was from South America and she even travelled with a person just to do her make-up." That's when Dad told me that there were some people from Hollywood that he and my uncle talked to and got to know on the trip. My Dad, at the time, was quite the bon vivante. Of course, he couldn't recall now who they were or what they did. Only that they had been some hot shots. It didn't matter to him at the time either; they were just some fun guys to drink with.
So, when the ship docked in Quebec and they ran into each other on shore when touring the city, the "Hollywood guys" let out the refrain:
"Ah, it's the Finnish delegation."
This, of course, is going to drive me insane. Perhaps one day I may find a passenger manifest in some hidden box at my parent's home. Of course, people travelled under their real names, too, so it might not do any good.
Dad and his mysteries.
But, I want to see if the new incarnation of this ship, The Marco Polo, has any cruises that I might get my parents interested in. They don't want to fly due to health issues. Perhaps there's a few adventures awaiting them yet.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


`````I'm calling you out, Westboro Baptist Church. It's thanks to people like you that there's been a decline in attendance at mainstream places of worship.
`````You people are a living example of why inbreeding is a bad thing. I'm a person who rarely speaks badly of others, especially in a public forum, but I'm going to let it rip.
`````You "good Christians" want to picket the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards to spew your diatribe and hate. I'm all for free speech, as the more idiots are given an open platform, the more it becomes apparent that they have little of worth to contribute. Most people of any class understand that there is a time and a place; something which you people lack. Home schooling has its limits, I guess. Well, pull that hay seed out of your mouth and listen up: "People are sick of your nonsense." You show up at the funerals of fallen service members and picket. Your signs speak not of the love most religious services offer those in their time of need, but of damnation and doom.
`````You have no balls, as you pick your targets well. You always go where you know that people with much better behavior then yourselves will restrain their temperments. They won't give you what you truly deserve. Most people know that it isn't right to hit others while at a funeral. When you pull your crap in a public forum, there is very likely going to be a police presence.
`````Just once I'd like to see you show up, unannounced, at some bad guy's funeral and try your bull---without the media and the cops to help you out. Do you truly believe the Lord will bail you out then? What, the convictions not always so strong? You wouldn't go to some biker's service and say bad things about him in the middle of no-where? Hypocrites. All you want is attention.
`````Elizabeth Edwards had the intellect to make it through law school, the grace to carry herself through controversy and the ability to connect with all walks of society. There's a couple of terms that I would suggest you look up in the DSM (a guide covering mental health)---transference and projection. Don't worry; I won't tell if your lips move when you read.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


`````I've always been interested in World War Two and I find it surprising that so many people know little about it. Sometimes, the best way to interest people in a topic is via the arts.
`````December 07, of course, is the date that the United States entered World War Two after an unprovoked attack at Pearl Harbour. While Europe, parts of Africa and Asia, and much of the ocean had been the scene of deadly battles for years, the United States had maintained a stance of neutrality. Everything changed after that Sunday.
`````The movies which were put out by Hollywood during the war were mainly films to boost morale. They had to be approved by a committee before being green-lighted. After the war was over, there were some stunning films to emerge which touched on the aftermath of fitting in with society. "The Best Years of Our Lives" is still a standout, and the scene where the injured soldier arrives home is as gut-wrenching now as it was all those many years ago.
`````H. Wouk wrote two huge best sellers about his time in the armed forces: "The Winds of War" and "War and Remembrance." These were turned into mini-series about twenty years ago, yet they still stand the test of time. They lack the special effects which audiences have become used to, but the acting makes up for it. Robert Mitchum is certainly a stand-out in both series. There is great historical accuracy. What's extremely disturbing is that much of the filming took place in areas that would soon suffer another outbreak of violence and ethnic cleansing (Yugoslavia).
`````"War and Remembrance" starts off immediately after the attack on Pearl Harbour and continues on through the end of the war. There are some very disturbing images of the death camps. I'm surprised that the television censors allowed these visuals to pass. Both box sets are available at Amazon, and if you're a WW 2 historical buff such as I am, I highly recommend them.


The news that Elizabeth Edwards has discontinued treatment is sad. I found her a class act. She's a woman who is intelligent and very much took the high road during the sordid escapades of her husband. We always hope for a happy ending, but life is not a movie, and it doesn't necessarily deliver.
I hope she manages to spend the time left as pain free as possible and with her family.
This also reiterates to me that I have to get my will in order. Years ago I wrote one out, but it wouldn't stand up, as the law now demands that it be registered. If something happened to me, I don't want extended life support. I certainly wouldn't want the decision left in anybody else's hands, either. I think it's so important to put that stuff down in writing. As funny as it may sound, I've actually spoken to various people about who would take my cats (and I theirs), if something were to happen.
When Elizabeth Edwards spoke of her illness, other women said that it inspired them to visit a doctor for checkups. That's a pretty decent legacy.


I laughed so hard watching this that my lazy, fat cat actually woke up and meandered over to the food bowl.
A couple of points. I found this couch strangely familiar; I swear some relative has this in their downstairs den, only I cannot remember which one.
Somebody really got ripped off on that bag of dope, as it's mostly twigs. This reminds me of senior year, when somebody I knew sold a naive kid in grade eight a bag of cat-nip. The person swore they got really high off the goods, too.
Another clue that one has entered a den of impropriety might be empty pizza boxes and some slacker lazing on that avacado green sofa watching Springer reruns.
Whoever the "perp" is, he's going to get lung cancer. Smoking dope is the least of his health concerns.
All in all, this was almost as funny as one of my favourite "Hawaii Five-O" episodes, in which Danno is undercover and trying to fit in with the young crowd. Of course, in his attempt to be hip and happening on the beach, he's wearing his suit and short haircut in the late 60's or early 70's or whenever that show was filmed. Ah, gee, do you think he might be a "narc?"

Monday, December 6, 2010


Image found on the web. My thanks to whoever posted it.
Carl Larson is a famous (deceased) painter who paints scenes of Swedish family life.

This is a very classic Swedish song. It's a tradition which is also followed by those who live on the west coast of Finland and are Swedish speaking. Each December 13, the St Lucia Festival is celebrated. Historically, the eldest girl in the family would get up early and dress in a flowing white gown with a red sash. She would serve her parents coffee and baked goods to go with it. On her head, she would wear a crown of greens with cranberries and seven candles. As it used to align with the calendar's shortest day of the year (before it was changed), it was a way to combat the dark with the light.
Over the years, it became a larger gathering as well. As a child, I recall fondly the parties that would fall on the weekend prior to the 13th of December. I would look on in awe at the girls as they walked down the aisle in their white gowns, gliding slowly to keep the flame burning. The initial ceremony seemed a solemn affair with its beautiful music.
Afterwards, the festivities would begin. There would always be a huge tree in a hall. This tree was never stuck in a corner, as it was meant to be moved around. For you see, this music was traditional "Jul" music. Even when we'd moved back to North America and attended the event at the cultural centre, it still featured the polka-based songs. Being a kid, I loved how fast we whirled around that tree. The adults, even the older ones, had no problems keeping up, as Fin-Swedes can drink. A good time was always had by all.
One thing that really differs from living in Finland is that we had a day which translated to "Little Christmas". There would be a knock on the door and Mom and Dad would encourage us to go and open it. There would be nobody there, but we would see tracks in the snow, of somebody who had left a gift...just a small gift...but one just the same. It would be that event which started the countdown for the holiday.
When I spoke with my mother the other day she told me that my niece would be attending the children's Christmas party and was looking forward to seeing the Lucia girls. There's fewer people around every year to continue the tradition, as our cultural mosaic is changing in the city and sadly, so many of my relatives have died. I'm glad that at least she gets to experience it once.


I suspect this toy inspired that entire "Chuckie" series.

Sunday, December 5, 2010



~~~~~~I've read a couple of articles in the last few months which state that scientists will soon be able to erase bad memories. I don't see this as the good thing which they're hailing it to be. Perhaps I read "Brave New World" at too young of an age and took it to heart, and maybe my political science minor has caused me to cast a jaundiced eye upon how the government runs. Whatever the reason, I find myself humming "l984" by David Bowie.
``````Humanity has always endured horrific events; we're not a kind lot. The papers might decry the most recent crime, but it pales in comparison to what went on during the Inquisition or daily life for the unfortunate hundreds of years ago. Think of the fate of those in slave galley ships or children who worked in mines. It's only in recent years that we've had to call in grief counsellors to help us deal with loss.
`````What will become of us if we wipe the slate clean every time something bad happens? It's a famous adage but it's certainly true: Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. That is why the people who lived through the camps of World War Two said "never again." In no way did they want to forget, because the world would then be only too willing to forget.
`````Each one of us is defined by everything that's happened---good and bad. We learn from it and we choose to become better people or to do evil. With this new wonder drug, we are doomed to being automatons. We'd become the walking, talking incarnations of what the entertainment industry has become; a bland reproduction with zero originality.
`````My pain allows me to empathize with others. It won't let me walk by when I witness an accident. I can never join in and engage in picking on others, as I understand how it feels.
`````I could joke about the political ramifications of such a drug too. Here, have a drink of this before you walk into the polling booth and forget about the deficit and the last four years of hell. This is one medication that makes all of those late night talk shows seem scary and accurate when the host mentions com-trails.
`````Just because science can do something doesn't mean that it should be allowed to do so. Who's going to control this? Would anybody want something like this to fall into the hands of a manipulative person who's an abuser? It would be carte-blanche to continue with the behavior.
`````It will be interesting to see how freely such items will be prescribed should they be made available. It scares the crap out of me.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Since I mentioned some of the creatures which I have spotted , I thought I would post a few photos. These were taken at a moment's notice, of course, and are pretty bad quality. I just happened to have a camera at hand. There's a ton of wild flowers around, and in June the entire slope of part of the hill is covered by this yellow flower that I don't know the name of.
This was just odd.

There's a lot of wildflowers and weeds around the area, which attracts the deer.

This was taken at a distance, without a flash. The deer love to eat the stuff.
Here is a racoon in the wetlands area just outside the worksite. He's washing his paws off.

This is a bad photo, as I took it at a distance, without a flash. I didn't want to scare the deer.