Wednesday, March 9, 2011


(Photo found on a Google search for Ostriches. No listing of ownership. Thanks to who took it. It is commonly used, but wonderful.)
`````Well, he's out; no big surprise there. Disgust, yes. I had written a blog about "The Runaway" and in my comments section, I had mentioned her father; how he had been the victim of a crime. I'll elaborate here.
`````This guy has always worked hard and things have never come easy. He's got a wonderful heart, with a love of kids and dogs. After the bills are paid, there's never anything left. No trips to Disneyland and no luxuries. He's never judged anybody. His mother is, literally, the woman who phones radio talk shows and expresses the opinion that more should be done to help those who are needy. She collects lost people the way I collect stray cats. The fact that they might have done three years in the hole doesn't deter her if they're making a concentrated effort to go straight. She can walk into the toughest biker bar and fit right in.
`````About two years ago, this guy, "G", was attacked, for no reason at all. Two other people were also assaulted that night by the same party. It was some meth crazed guy who began his frenzy by beating up a woman. "G" stepped in, and this individual and his friend beat him almost to death. It was winter, and it was up north. They rolled him down a hill, where he was left. They then proceeded to jump a third person. "G" would have died had he not made some noise, which was heard by the police when they responded. He could have frozen to death; alone, cold and at the bottom of some snowbank.
`````He has had to have nine titanium plates put into his face. The damage was so bad that his mother did not recognize him in the hospital. He did not look like himself. When it is cold, he feels it. His eye-sight has been affected, and he therefore can no longer do his previous occupation. He must make a long trip to get treatment in Vancouver.
`````This wonderful, caring person will never be the same. The P.O.S. who did it? He got only fifteen months for his troubles, and he completed his education to boot. He served his sentence "up north" so as not to disturb his family too much. The system is broken. When the Fisheries Minister had a pie thrown at him by a protester, he was aghast and likened it to a terrorist act.
`````A pie in the face compared to a broken face. You tell me which is worse.


  1. He was down just a while ago, and visited my Mother. BTW, his girl is doing well now, at home and in school.

  2. I'm glad to hear that his daughter is doing well.
