Thursday, August 12, 2010


A picture, as they say, is worth a thousand words.


  1. I miss fuzzy kitties.

    My week and life is getting worse, I got in trouble today at work (not the first time) and was told to go home for reasons I still don't understand fully and tomorrow I'm either going to get a lecture or chewed out or both. Its just not a good time to be me.

  2. I am sorry. Don't know where you work, obviously, so I don't know if it's a union shop or not. With them they have steps to follow---the verbal warning, written, etc. Plus, the rep helps. Trust me though, I know the stress of work stuff and feeling like one is being talked about or in trouble. I hope you managed to get some sleep although it's hard to shut the head off if worrying about something or angry. I hope it goes okay tomorrow for you.
