Saturday, May 9, 2015

Not Immune from the Auto-Immune

Never under estimate how bad Microsoft can suck.  I am redoing the blog as it disappeared.  It initially kept formatting  with lines under the entire piece and I couldn't correct it.  When I was just gone.
I suspect we've all had an experience with a dog that's done something wrong.    It's evident as soon as we enter the room that the animal is guilty, for the tail is tucked into a U curve, and the eyes are downcast.  Much like the guilty dog, our body betrays our emotions.
When my father died a few years ago, it began a succession of events that dropped like bad jokes at the office party.  My mother suffered from some health crises immediately after.  My vehicle conked out one morning of a long weekend Sunday and I had to work that night.  I had to put down a beloved cat.  I had to get checked for HIV and Hep C after a workplace exposure to blood products.  Ironically, I'd had a flat response to much of it.  What finally got me was an administrative work issue.
My body rebelled and I, the person who has never taken antibiotics and other then migraines, never gets sick.  I awoke one day to find that I had shingles.  I have a high pain tolerence, but my doctor signed me off work for a week as I was highly contagious.  I know others who have had similar maladies befall them.  Like me, one of my male coworkers got shingles, but took much longer off.  Others have suddenly been stricken with gout.  One ended up with some sort of immune system disorder that effects her liver.  More have breathing issues that can't be pinned down.  It seems that when stressful situations happen and we go on auto-pilot to cope with them or to be stoic, we may end up paying for it later.    Like the water flowing in Niagra, that energy will out and there's no way to stop it.  I took my first vacation in ages and things felt better for a short while.
I suspect I'm headed for a fall again.  I'll perform my ritual of taking several Gravol as soon as I get home, but sleep eludes me.  In the past two weeks, my mother has been admitted to the hospital twice.  I've taken two cats to the vet.  Iroginically, I displayed my usual placid response.  I lost my nut, though, to the same thing that triggered me years ago....a workplace administrative issue.  Oh---and the telemarketers .
It's ironic that we retreat from people when it would most serve us.  Therefore, I'm going to try to force myself to write and to walk; anything to keep the balls juggled for a while longer.