Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I am saddened by the news of Natasha Richardson's skiing accident and I wish her well. I do not downhill ski despite living in a place where there is certainly a lot of chance to do so (it snowed here today---again---in the middle of March). In fact, I recall the first time I tried the sport. It was with a school event. The person in front of me on the rope tow fell off and there was a sickening snap as her leg bone broke in two. I saw and heard the entire thing. I hobbled off and stood with the poor girl until help arrived. I merely remember being cold and miserable for the rest of the day.

I guess that I have a few "what were they thinking?" moments from school. I had a teacher, who I loved and I must admit has truly inspired me. One of her beliefs was that we should all learn to play chess. We also carved our own chess pieces with x-acto knives. The girl at the desk to the left of me was working intently on a piece when the knife slipped. It went into her arm and like a salmon's underbelly being opened, her arm was sliced open all the way down. The newspaper below her desk which had meant to catch the droppings from the carving was sodden with blood instantly. I watched her head down the hall with the teacher. There was literally a stream of blood the entire way.

Then there was the field trip where I knocked myself out. The one and only time in my life. We went to a rockwall in the area which would be familiar to people as it is often used in films and television shows. I stepped backwards and there was a large dip. That was the last I remembered except that I saw stars. I've fallen numerous times since then and hit my head hard but I was out for a bit. I actually bit through my lower lip and had teeth marks on the outside of my face. My reaction? The usual; I downplayed it and did not seek help.

Another memory is quite amusing, actually, in a demented way. The end of school had arrived and we were assembled in the gym to watch a film. They had opted to show us a Disney classic. The choice? "Old Yeller". For those not familiar with the film, the dog is shot at the end. Imagine an entire auditoriumn full of weeping children on the last day of school prior to the summer holidays. Good times.

Were it to happen today I am sure somebody would sue for pain and suffering, then demand that the teacher be reprimanded. It's sad how we've made everything so safe, however. Our playgrounds were more rough and tumble. Now, it's all so bland. I have scars on my knees but I had fun getting them. I think that the kids now may be more protected but they are missing a lot.

1 comment:

  1. The whole Natasha what's her face head injury freaked me out. As a child I have had many deliberate and accidental blows to my noggin. I think they may have screwed up my brain a little but I have no proof to back this claim up.
