Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Another Ollie Shot

If anybody out there is an expert on this breed, I'd appreciate an answer. I looked into Havana Browns, and he fits their look and behavior. This guy was a feral rescue. I was originally told he was unadoptable and thus got stuck with him, after I'd paid for the shots and neuteuring. I was told he was above the age where he'd adapt to humans. However, with some work, he has settled into my home. I guess that's suggesting the Tasmanian Devil (the cartoon version) can settle into a home---you get the picture. Ollie has interesting features and he really makes use of his paws to grab at me. He tugs at my shoes the way a dog would. He can open cupboard doors to access what he wants. He doesn't like to share his favourite toys (mice) and will get the doors ajar to purloin the packages. He then hides them so that the other cats can't utilize them.

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