Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Lost Soul

About two months ago, I spotted this cat outside.  Actually, the agitated running and murmuling sounds made by Poe indicated that something was going on.  The cat bolted and ran on our first encounter.  She (as calicos are usually female), appears to be wild.  I noticed her watching as I interacted with the neighbour's tabby, who comes to visit me every morning when I get off work.  We have a ritual....I open the door and pet him on the head every day.  I left some food out for the calico, and peered out the window as she made her way over.  She's become more bold, especially as the weather has become more cold.  One day I had to leave out water, as she was trying to lick the ice.  The people in this area are very cheap.  They refuse to spay or neuteur their pets, yet their is an insane by-law that forbids more then two pets.  People will rat out their neighbours.  A dog can bark all day and all night, and that's cool.  However, more then two cats?  And the frau next door doesn't like you?  Yes....people do call each other in, as it's that sort of place.


  1. MMM Missing the Russian Ideology of; "A person that sees less lives longer" Another lesson from the East people should adopt.

  2. The people who are calling it in are a specific group who were pretty much kicked out of Europe for ruining the fun of others with their intolerance This By-Law was pushed through by a mayor with that back ground. These are the same people who have resisted any changes for ages. On that note, haha, somebody finally got a Tim Hortons in Rosedale. As a consequence, the demise of anything here is ensured unless it involves a basic gas purchase. Now they complain. The staff are happy as it's easy to hit it on the way to work......
