Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Unexplained---Ghost Tours of Quebec


.Two years ago, in September 2012, my friend and I went to Quebec City.  We decided that we wanted to see another side of the city---the dark, hidden, side.   While walking in the  Lower Town, we had spotted a company that provided ghost tours in English and French.  We opted to give it a try.
That evening we met at a pre-arranged spot.  Since the locale t was in front of both an ice-cream store and a maple syprup dealer, it was hard not to sin.  But, as usual, I digress.  At the stated time, a man showed up wearing a white shroud and carrying a lantern---that had to be our fearless leader!
I won't detail the tour itself, but I will say that it was highly entertaining and that Michaeal, our host, managed to offer gruesome details as we accessed buildings normally closed to the public at this time of day.  It turns out that he had a background in theatre, and his voice was both emotive and carried well.  It was so effective that we had several people stop us and ask about the tour as we went along the cobblestoned streets.
The last stop was in a church and it is here that this photo comes into play.  Michael told us of the cholera epidemic that hit the city; of the people who were suspected of having died on this very spot.  At the end, he told us that we were free to take photos, as long as we did not use flash.  I'm ever the practical person and I took a few pictures, mostly to humour our guide.   My friend M was to the right of me on the church  pew and two fellow tour goers sat to my left.  I clicked as I pointed my Fuji towards the front.
I didn't look at them until I got home.  They were as, black, black...for the church was in complete darkness. Michael had extinguished his lantern at the end of his tale.   Then, suddenly, something showed up as a hazy red blotch in one photo.  The picture I have included with this blog is the one that followed it.  No retouching has been done.   This is how it came off the memory card.
Even though I am a sceptic, there is no denying that there is an image of what resembles  a woman in a very odd, glowing green.  Something appears to be coming out of her mouth.  I see, in an off-yellow, what looks like an arm with a hand and five fingers. 
Michael had told us that, over the years, several people had reported the presense of a woman in the church.    He also related a story about a woman who had been  the victim of the cholera outbreak  who perhaps wasn't really dead when she was quickly buried (so as to prevent the disease from spreading).  You see, she had narcolepsy and was prone to "fits" of passing out.  They weren't as good at detecting the dead in those days.
Odd photo. 

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