Monday, March 9, 2015

The Stray (Update)

Here's a Gif of the stray, who I suppose can't really be called "feral" any longer.   Unfortunately, I suspect she may be pregnant, which means I'll have to catch the kittens when they are old enough and bring them to the local shelter.  Since she's become comfortable with me, it shouldn't be an issue trapping her for a catch and release.   I might add that this is how I came to earn Schmutz as a member of the household.  
                                                                                                                                                              She was a "Catch and Release" who was convalescing  at my home until the stitches healed.  On the day that she was to be freed, I opened the door, let her go and ....nothing.  She turned around and looked at me with utter contempt and disdain.  A super model being evicted from the Chateau Marmont couldn't have done it better.  Cats don't have eye brows to raise, but she managed to convey, "Bitch, where do you think I'm going?" just fine. 
I have a couple of cats that were labelled unadoptable due to their feral status.  They  are fine with me, although shy with anybody else.  They'll  pull the "skee-dadle" as I call it, when others come over.  Seriously, if I were a drug dealer I'd fashion a special collar and affix  it to the cats, insert the drugs and let them go.  No  cop would  ever find it,  especially since so many of them seem to have allergies.    Plus, those cats have hiding places I don't even know about.


  1. This May I'll have had my Siamese cat, Mao, for three years. He's an odd little duck, something severely traumatized him in kitten hood and he's very easily freaked out. My girls don't like him because he has fur and they don't. The little furists!

  2. Forgot to add, great job on taking care of the strays. You rock!

  3. Thanks. Siamese are often very vocal and some people just can't handle them. Did you ever see that funny web site with cats that looked like Chairman Mao? I'm on my break at work, so I don't think I can link to it.

    There's a million of them out there now. Chairman Meow.
