Thursday, January 1, 2015

Imagine Being Married to Them....

Daily Mail Story
You've all heard the term "the lady doth protest too much?"  When people have a little too much energy about something, it tends to reveal a lot about them.  Those guys who snuggle  into a pick up truck,  drive into the city, and   bash a gay man walking alone; do they need to do that in order  to feel masuline?  What is it that they are hiding?   Why are they so threatened? 
Anybody who ever took a Psychology 101 course became familiar with terms such as "projection" and "transference."  Those ink blot tests sometimes do mean something.  Groucho Marx (not Karl) wisely pointed out that "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," but in the case of the article to which I've linked,  people are just repressed.
Hasbro has developed  a children's toy that allows kids to put Play- Do icing on  Play-Do cakes.  There's only so many ways that such an item can function and look.  You thought inventing a new mouse-trap was a problem? 
Thanks to The Daily Mail for the Photo.

According to The Daily Mail, Hasbro has received numerous grievances from people who have developed  the vapours  over the product's design.  They arose from their fainting couches only long enough to muster the energy to complain.  I wish they'd voice the same outrage over the missing girls in Nigeria.  I'm really concerned for poor Jennifer Turner of Rhode Island,  who stated that it isn't okay and that it completely ruined  her Christmas.  I hate when that happens...when the press on nails break and stuff.  Time to slash.  But, I'm glad that Jennifer Turner has her priorities straight.  I must state, though, that I worry about her on the holidays and I hope that she has help basting the turkey.  We all know what that implement looks like.  Perhaps federal funding should be made available for people with delicate sensibilities such as hers. 
To offer up a direct quote from the article, "Mom Mari Ramirez said: "As a customer as well as being a mom I'm very disappointed in you kids love your product...shame I have to start to re look at u guys before I buy!!!! Plz change"  I want to write "sic" in huge capital letters lest anybody think I am responsible for that mess.
I guess that Mom Mari Ramirez used so many exclamation points in her cris de coeur  that she felt a period wasn't needed at the end of the sentence.    I've never used so many exclamation points in my life.  I think her grammar is more of an issue---never mind the imaginary penis.  I hope she isn't into home schooling. 
The truly ironic thing?  The dick of death is described as being the length of a thumb.  It squirts out icing in colours such as green and pink.  Ladies, if your husband is doing that, you've got bigger (or, err, smaller), problems on hand.
Thanks to the Daily Mail for photo.



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