Monday, October 26, 2015

One of the Most Disturbing Songs for Halloween


I was on a web site once, and a question was posed about the most disturbing song.  I posted this one.  It was interesting, as a few other people did also, even though it's not well known.  What makes it even more so, I heard an interview once and it was stated that the lyrics are based on a true story.  Urban legend, one hopes.  I have this on vinyl---the original greatest hits release, but I can not listen to it.  It's selling for 49.99 new on vinyl and a few dollars less if it's used.  Mine is in perfect condition.  Put the lights on and don't listen to it if you're prone to being haunted by "what if" questions.  And trust me, I'm not easily effected.


  1. Holy hell, there goes the nap I had planned on taking. I couldn't understand the lyrics nor could I finish it, what is this song about?

  2. Here's a copy/paste of the lyrics. Legend has it that the lyrics are taken from a letter that was written about a burn victim. Her entire body looked like hamburger, with her facial features burned off. However, she lived, since the lower half was untouched. It was about treating her in the hospital, as they kept her alive.
    .By far worse is the hambuger lady,
    We must heal them for the qualified technicians,
    Alternating nights are automatic,
    She's lying there,

    Hamburger Lady
    Hamburger Lady

    She's dying,
    She is burned from the waist up,
    On her arm,
    Her ear is burned,
    Her eyelashes are burned,
    She can't hold things up,
    And even with medical advances,
    There's no end in sight,
    For hamburger lady,
    She wants me to tell you of her claim mind,
    From which the double play laying,
    The proping chair,
    Leave her,
    She's Burned from the waist down,
    Has to eat her life through tubes,
    (That's what keeps her alive, the tubes and the nightmares)

    Hamburger Lady
    Hamburger Lady

    She's okay if you change the tubes,
    Tubes in her legs,
    the tubes in her arms,
    She's okay,
    (He managed OK)
    Then it came out and saw the burn net,
    (Then he came out and saw one of the burn nurses...)
    Indeed in the account of killing,
    (... eating a can of chilli-mac)
    And it flashed on the carpet,
    And it flashed on the floor,
    The hamburger lady,
    She came to rest,
    Because of the burn she needs relief,
    (They're squeamish. Can't work with her and...)
    From the medication,
    (... keep their meals down)
    The "qualified Technicians"

    Hamburger Lady
    Hamburger Lady
