Thursday, October 29, 2015

Scene / Seen (Thirty One Days of Halloween) --- The Chateau

The Chateau Frontenac, like many hotels, is said to have a ghost.  So much so, it was made famous by a stamp last year.
The rumour was that the deceased's heart was mailed to his beloved.  Finding that rather morbid, she returned it, and Mr Frontenac roams the halls to this day.
Below are shots of the hotel, in all its fall glory.  It's a wonderful place to stay and the bar is a classy place to drink.
This was taken just as the sun was coming out.  The old wooden boardwalk was empty and the place lit up.  The roof is made of copper and it shines in the light.  There are excavations under the boardwalk, as there was an older fortress.  When you go through it, there are exhibits of items being dug up.  You can peak down through those plexi-glass boxes that are visible in the photo.
 The thing to the right, with the sign that reads "funiculaire," is an elevator-railway, that takes you down to the lower town.  It is very old and the building it ends up in at the bottom is  hundreds of years old.
 That wall is part of the fortifications of the city.

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