Sunday, August 15, 2010


Well, it's back to work tonight, and I'm in a horrid mood. I've got nothing done and the house continues to be a mess. I used to get stuff done, once upon a time. It was very hot on my rest days, and as I have no air conditioning in my vehicle, I didn't feel like going anywhere. I call it the migraine-mobile when I have to drive it in the heat. There's a couple of random things I have thought of. Here goes:
01) When you hear interviews, a lot of stars will refer to wearing an item of clothing that is vintage. The other day, one of them said that she had on "vintage 90's." I just call that the stuff in the back of my closet that I never threw out. In fact, that's the clearance rack in the town where I live.
02) What the heck does it mean when you read the statement, "we never officially broke up?" How do you go about doing that? Stand facing each other and declare your intentions to unhook? Do both parties have to agree? Have people become so dense that we now have to draw up an uncommitment dating ceremony? I would have thought that after a person didn't answer somebody's phonecalls or they ran screaming in the other direction when they saw a person coming that it would be enough of an official notice. I could understand this sort of statement coming from a sixteen year old and this is why they shouldn't be getting serious in the first place, but I've heard people who are much older say this. Honestly, it kind of gives me stalker vibes when people go they don't know if they've broken up or not and it's getting on two years.
03) What is it with old guys and clean cement? This is a suburb phenomena, I guess. I can't exactly see some guy on a stoop in the Bronx caring. It's like they hit a certain age and all of the sudden they need to sink a significant amount of money into a pressure washer so that they can clean the cement. Damn, that's a really nice bit of concrete you've got there, Bob. I am not kidding when I write that there are old guys in my area who will spend three hours a week doing it. This is all without benefit of hearing protection too, I might add. This would also be the same old codger what would phone the cops if somebody were to play Linkin Park at the same decible level.
04) In a related area, why is it that when women do housework they clean something, yet when males do the same thing to a car they say they've "detailed" it? It is too sissy of a word to say clean?
05) Why buy a sports car if you cannot do the speed limit? There's nothing sadder then a person driving one below the speed limit on a perfect summer day, especially in the fast lane. And please, don't let your manhood be challenged when I then pass you in my old vehicle and you can suddenly keep up.
06) Is there some law of physics which states that the person who has been holding up traffic makes it through the light---just barely---and nobody else does so?
So, I must now remember to get what I have to wear tonight. washed. I had forgotten about it, and it's still where I left it when I got off work. Ugh.

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