Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This is such a disturbing story and it's great that a warrant has finally been issued. This poor guy was found in the hospital, weighing less then 90 pounds. He had once been 245 pounds. His family had tried to file a missing person's report on him, but in something which sounds all too familiar now, they were given a hard time in doing so. As it turns out, he was being confined by his roommate. We don't really know why, as when he was discovered in the hospital, in another city, he had a brain injury. He also had part of his tongue cut off as well has his lips. It was only via the actions of his family that his story got out there at all. They posted the gruesome photos on Facebook, where they were desperate in seeking information as to who could have done this. They had a pretty good idea, so they launched their own invesitation. The thing that really bothers me is that the person who lived near this man and the roomate heard "disturbing sounds", yet did nothing. How often does that happen with abused women? The Facebook page was open to all of the public; one did not need to be a friend. Dustin Lafortune has gained some weight, but has a very long way to go. I guess it's meant a lot to the family that they've gotten so much support.


  1. Oh. My. God. wow.
    thank goodness this man is going to be okay.. but still.. all I can say is wow.
    -- FWIW I cannot stop myself from getting involved when I hear 'disturbing sounds.' It's a blessing & a curse. but.. that's just who I am and in this lifetime I believe the most important thing any of us can do is be who we are 100%.

  2. Human beings are the most horrible animal of them all.
