Monday, April 6, 2015

A Detailed Account of a Devil

In l995 not far from where I live, a horrific crime took place.  It was  near Halloween and Friday, October 13---it was the stuff of which horror films are made.  This was the fiend who not only attacked two girls and killed one, but then continued to torment the survivor and the community.
When Horror Movies Come True
In brief,  Misty Cockerill and  Tanya Smith were two fifteen year old girls on their way to a birthday party when a man jumped out from between a row of hedges.  Before they had time to process what was happening, the aluminum bat wielding Driver began to assault Tanya.  This could have given Misty a chance to bolt, but she picked up the bat and struck Driver with it in an attempt to help her friend.  However, he was much taller then her and it did not strike with sufficient force or in the right place to do damage.  It did enrage him enough to club her with the bat, using all his force, several times on the head.  Somehow, she came to and stumbled into a hospital hours later.  Her concern was again that they find her friend.  Unfortunately, Smith's body was retrieved from a waterway some distance from the original crime scene.
Driver did not stop here.  He began to phone various agencies detailing how Tanya Smith's  "right nipple tasted good."  He stole her gravestone and placed it atop the van of a local radio station.  He tossed a wrench with a note through a window claiming responsibility for other crimes.  When he was finally caught, he claimed Tourette's  and OCD made him do it...that in fact he actually hadn't done it.  Yes, he'd raped the girl, but only after some phantom boogy man had done it.  You see, he just couldn't resist taking full opportunity of the naked girl laying on the ground.  I guess she didn't say "no."

Rod Gehl's book is basically an exploration of this case from a law enforcement stand point.  There are a lot of details, but he doesn't delve into the emotional.  It is very cut and dry....just the facts, ma'am.    I noted that he tended to state the relevent details a couple of times.  It is thorough, but the book could have been much more had there been an incorporation of both the scientific with the emotional.
The chapter which recounts the court case will leave you angry.  I certainly wished there was a way I could magically reach through the book and grab this smirking, hirsite  ginger by his bad facial hair and slap him.  I was left in awe of Misty for her strength, which she continues to display as she advocates for the rights of victims.
One new detail was revealed to me in reading this.  I knew that his mother had called him in as a potential suspect, yet she stood by him at the trial and maintained the ruse that he hadn't  committed the crime---that he'd merely come upon the unconscious girls.  Then, she had the gaul to want to collect the reward money.
This book is useful for people unfamiliar with the case and people interested in the rights of victims.
(Note---I was just reminded as to why I detest Microsoft.  I spent my entire break trying to upload one photo.  Then, when I tried to correct errors, each time I backspaced, my page was delted and I was bumped off.  I had to go to HTML. )

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