Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I like to compare how stories are written up in various papers and countries. The comment below was from "The New York Daily News." The readers in the "Daily Mail" (United Kingdom), were far more civilized. I would love to retort to this idiot in the following manner:
`````Ruhi, honey, your **** would never manage to do that, as a model would never let you within ten feet of her. In fact, I suspect the only "sword" you ever manage to swath is your Star Wars sabre.
2:31 AMDec 24, 2010
my **** would tear her in half... Yes, I said it.Read more:

NY Daily News - Discussions - Too skinny? Allie Crandell's ...
`````I suppose that had I watched reality television, this would not be my first introduction to Allie Crandell. But, since I don't watch the aforementioned, it is. However, I do like to blog about weight issues.
`````Most people have heard the story by now. Allie Crandell was modelling for a company and after complaints were received, she was told to gain weight. Customers had written that they would not buy clothing from any company that encouraged young women to be so emaciated. In Europe, cat-walks have attempted to address this issue by stating that models must have a healthy BMI. In reality, it does nothing to solve the issue. With the exception of a few plus-size (oh no---a whopping size 12) models, the weights have continued to drop over the years.
`````Many argue that models, being very young and tall (and perhaps, freaks of nature), are thin by nature and do not starve to achieve their physique. Others state that no matter what, it presents an unnatural and unrealistic image for young girls, thus encouraging eating disorders.
`````It's always hard to tell by photographs what's really going on. The camera adds weight, and good lighting and makeup can hide lack of sleep, lack of pounds and heavy drug usage. There is also the added usage of Photo-Shop, which can mask a number of misdeeds.
`````I'm really conflicted on this issue. In other jobs, people get called out over their health on a regular basis. For example, people may have to meet physical standards for insurance reasons. I don't, however, see how this one model is any different then any other model out there. I don't get why she's being targeted. There's many models who have fake breast implants, which might make them seem "curvier" and thus more acceptable to the male audience.
`````Realistically, I know that thin photos had nothing to do with the anorexia I suffered when I was in university. It had nothing to do with my episodes of compulsive over eating, bulimia (via laxatives) or practically any other disordered eating you can find in the DSM. Is is the fault of the fashion industry that it might drive some people to it? I don't think so. No more then advertising drives people to steal. We are all accountable for our own actions.
`````If the girl is ill and needs help, I hope she gets it for herself. It's highly hypocritical for the fashion industry to suddenly have her as a scapegoat, though. Who knows? I've become so cynical of the media that I can see it all as a set-up for another reality show.
`````So, while she may be the topic-du-jour, and people tsk, tsk, her weight, how many models have been rejected because they're too dark, too heavy, too short, too old, over-exposed.....? I guess they can feel self righteous in this one case.


  1. I think models and actresses who look like this do help spur young women and girls into ana land. Assholes like Anna Wintour and former fatty Karl Largerfeld are to blame IMO. They hold glamorous and powerful positions and have access to the media, they use the media to spread their hatered of anyone who weighs more than 90lbs.

    I could drop down to a healthy weight and still have assholes call me fat because I have wide hips and a big frame. I can't help it that I have a sturdy structure but this bitch can help the fact that her bones are ready to jut out of her skin, eat a sandwich! I've known petite women like that this model who didn't make want to puke when they wore tank tops because their arms didn't look ready to fall out of their sockets from starvation. She needs a protein shake and a steak dinner stat.

  2. Anna Wintour is a disgusting person. She still has issues with putting a black person on the cover, as they don't sell as well (evidentally). I think that since people are capable of electing a black man to the White House that having another thin woman on the cover won't make a difference, no matter the skin tone. Her attitude last year when the actress was nominated for Precious (and forgive me for not remembering the name, but I've been up all night and have taken Gravol so that I can get to bed as it's back to work tonight), was beyond ignorant. She'd be kissing her ass to get her to pose if she were white and thin. But, with her and unfortunately, girls and many women in general, even if a person is gaunt, they'll find something else to put a person down about. The clothes aren't good enough. They don't get their hair done at the proper place, etc. The bullying starts early and that's what causes so many of us to hate ourselves. Frankly, I find it really difficult to trust women because of people like Sandra J (of whom I've blogged). All the snide, nasty comments. I love M Atwood's book "Cat's Eye" as it really captures how evil it gets. If there truly were a God, he'd make Anna Wintour and other women like her get obese, have to shop at Kmart and have unpluckable chin-hair. My rant endeth.
