Thursday, December 23, 2010


Image found on the web after a google search for "ostriches."

CBC News - Consumer Life - Telemarketer hit with $500,000 CRTC fine
`````I've blogged of my dislike of telemarketers. I'm against the testing of products on animals, so I'd like to volunteer the services of these crooks. At least then they'd be contributing something useful to society. As I wrote in my earlier blog, when a phone call can drive me to the point of uttering that ugly "c" word to a complete stranger, it's time to stop the madness.
`````These people claim they collect for charities, yet only contribute a minuscule amount of all monies gathered. I hope they rot. Profiting from the misery and pain of others is disgusting, and they do the hard sell on the elderly and polite. They exploit all that is good in people for greed.
`````I was called several times in the last two weeks by a company similar to this one (I didn't pick up...check out the site "Who Called Me" for the goods on unknown numbers). The one phone call came after 0930 at night, which is against telemarketing rules.
`````Although I rarely drink, due to my migraines, I might just celebrate this win. Congratulations to the civil servant who took them on, and the people who lodged complaints.

1 comment:

  1. Telemarketers are one of the reasons I got rid of my land line.
