Friday, December 3, 2010


I write a fair bit about eating disorders and issues relating to weight. I'm going to call out the media for its unfair treatment of a male this time. Pete Doherty cannot seem to win when it comes to the media in Britain. He's been set up with hidden cameras by his "friends". Despite his music, he was known for a long time as Kate Moss' boy-friend. Thanks to his presence in the spotlight, his battle with drugs has been made public. Not that long ago they were writing about how wan and pale he looked. Now, they're describing him as bloated.
I've included a video and a photo obviously taken at the same event; a launch for a new line of men's jewellery. The Daily Mail seemed to be more interested in his pounds then the product. This is something that women have had to contend with for some time. A star might be promoting a movie, but the reviewers would describe their appearance instead.
Pete Doherty is a musician who has a much larger following over-seas. However, he is also a talented poet and a very witty, sharp person. He has an incredible sense of style and charisma. Perhaps I have a soft spot for him because he loves cats. Evidentally he has been making an attempt to clean up lately, which might account for a minor bit of weight gain. This happens as the body struggles to adjust. It might also be as a result of medication the individual is placed on to overcome cravings.
I admit that I am hyper aware of this issue, but it's become ridiculous---this fixation that we have with looks over health. Pete needs to be applauded for his attempts to get well. Besides, this photo was taken from a bad angle. As I said, compare the video. I would hate to think what they'd capture if they followed me around on a regular basis; me in my black tights and Joe Boxer shorts because I haven't done the laundry.
Equality for women doesn't mean that men also develop body image problems.


  1. God love you for posting two Dreamy posts in a row! He seems to gain when he's off of drugs which is normal. I think he has the saddest eyes, and yes if he would bathe more and brush his teefs I would! And you got to love a man with a sense of style all his own.

    Yes I love Dreamy.

  2. He's got great style. When I was a kid, my friend Sally and I put on the stage show Oliver in the back yard (I blogged about this). In doing so, we watched the movie over and over and I think my first infatuation was the kid who played the Artful Dodger. He looks like the grownup version of him, style and accent included.

  3. You're not the first to mention this. Someon once called him the Artless Dodger at Dlisted. I was told that when the Libertines first made a splash all of his childhood idols wanted to hang with him. Plus he had stage freight, I think that made him start using drugs.

  4. I just worry that people now see him as a commodity and not as a friend. They'd sell him out to get a story---you know---Pete back on drugs; here's 25,000 quid for putting the mirror under his nose and getting us the exclusive.
