Saturday, December 4, 2010


Since I mentioned some of the creatures which I have spotted , I thought I would post a few photos. These were taken at a moment's notice, of course, and are pretty bad quality. I just happened to have a camera at hand. There's a ton of wild flowers around, and in June the entire slope of part of the hill is covered by this yellow flower that I don't know the name of.
This was just odd.

There's a lot of wildflowers and weeds around the area, which attracts the deer.

This was taken at a distance, without a flash. The deer love to eat the stuff.
Here is a racoon in the wetlands area just outside the worksite. He's washing his paws off.

This is a bad photo, as I took it at a distance, without a flash. I didn't want to scare the deer.


  1. We have a lot of bunnies, chipmunks and squirrels around my office building. I saw lost deer running around the building and the housing development across the street a few times. I always worry about them since two major road ways surround the area. I worry a lot about animals.

  2. Microcrap wouldn't let me post earlier--after I'd already written. It went to the black hole of lost messages. Anyways, I worry about animals too. In fact, two years ago, somebody on Dlisted told me about timothy grass after the runty 'parking lot' bunny had nothing to eat (the endless snow had covered up his usual eats). I'll take spiders outside rather then killing them.
